The recently released installment in the Battlefield video game franchise, Battlefield 2042 is the recently released first-person shooter game. This game showcases the futuristic theme in the Battlefield. And as the title suggests, everything happening on this Battlefield looks like it is 2042 in real. Currently, this game is available to play on almost every popular platform. Be it any game, PC is the platform that is prone to the maximum number of errors.
We have seen a lot of games that throw the MSVCP140 DLL Missing Error. Battlefield 2042 is a big fresh arrival in the gaming community and being honest, this game is being known for its issues and problems more than its good features. No video game franchise would expect its one of the biggest games to get criticized this much just after its launch.
But, not every error occurs due to the fault of developers. Some errors like MSVCP140 DLL Missing Error are often seen getting triggered while starting other games like Crysis 3 Remastered, Forza Horizon 5, Age of Empires 4, and many more. In this article, we are going to guide you on how you can fix the Battlefield 2042 MSVCP140 DLL Missing Error. Continue reading to know everything.
Fix: Battlefield 2042 MSVCP140 DLL Missing Error
The MSVCP140 DLL Missing Error occurs because some DLL (executable) files are missing from your PC. To be specific, the files that are missing or are corrupted, are Visual C++ files. To fix this error, you must simply follow these steps:
- Head here to download the Visual C++ files from the official website of Microsoft. As this issue is very common among games, Microsoft officially publishes them on their official website
- Check both the boxes, i.e., x64 and x86 as we will be needing both of these files, and start downloading.
- Open the files one by one
- Click on agree and start the installation process.
- Once both the files are installed on your computer, you will not be facing this error any longer.
- Restart your PC if you are still facing this error.
So, this was everything about resolving the Battlefield 2042 MSVCP140 DLL Missing Error. If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends.
Battlefield (BF) 2042 VCRuntime140 DLL Missing Error: How to fix it?