Spider-Man 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man, has made its way onto the PlayStation 5, promising an even more thrilling web-slinging adventure. However, as with any game, even the most spectacular ones, players can encounter some unexpected hiccups along the way. In this case, we’re diving into the Galvanize Screen bug that has left some players scratching their heads and wondering if there’s a way out.
The Galvanized Bug is a peculiar glitch that surfaces during the “Set Things Right” mission in Spider-Man 2. You will be taking a trip inside Peter Parker’s mind on this mission, quite literally. Without giving you the spoilers, there will be a fight involved later on in this mission, and at one point, the game prompts you to press the L1+X buttons to galvanize the enemy. This is where the bug comes into play. The game prompts the player to perform a “Galvanization” move by pressing L1 + X on their controller to neutralize the new waves of enemies on the screen. However, the bug manifests as the game stalls on this prompt screen, rendering the player’s controller inputs unresponsive and leaving Spiderman frozen in time. So, is there a fix to this issue? More details are shared below.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Stuck on Galvanize Screen Bug: Is there any fix yet
While there is no official fix for this error, the good news is that players aren’t entirely helpless. As is the case with most errors and crashes in video games, players have taken up online forums to discuss this Galvanise Screen bug. Some have even suggested workarounds to deal with the issue. The best part is that some of the suggested workarounds seem to have solved the problem for the majority of players. So, like always, we have listed those effective workarounds below for you to try. Check them out!
Restart the game or console
This is often the first go-to solution when encountering any game-related issue. By restarting the game or even your entire console, you effectively clear out any temporary glitches or conflicts that may be causing the galvanized bug. While it doesn’t guarantee a fix, it’s a quick and simple step to try.
Reload a Previous Save File
Many players regularly save their progress at different points in the game. If you’re one of them, you might have an earlier save that predates the Galvanized Bug. Loading a previous save can effectively circumvent the bug. However, this workaround does come with the drawback of potentially replaying a portion of the mission or level, depending on when you saved last. It might be a small inconvenience compared to being stuck in an unwinnable situation.
Press the Combo Before the Prompt
This workaround is a bit unconventional but has shown some promise. The galvanized bug typically occurs during the prompt to press L1 + X. Instead of waiting for the prompt to appear, some players have found success by preemptively pressing this button combo. It’s almost as if you’re tricking the game into responding to your inputs before the bug has a chance to manifest. This method has allowed some players to continue without experiencing the bug. So, go ahead and reload a previous save file, and then progress into the mission. Now, press the combo button to galvanize the enemy before you are prompted to do so. However, it may take some practice to get the timing just right.
And that is how you can bypass the Galvanized Screen Bug while completing the Set Things Right mission in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. While these workarounds may not provide a guaranteed solution, they are your only hope to help you overcome the issue and continue your quest as Spider-Man in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, as of now. And finally, we hope that the game developers will be made aware of the bug, and a more permanent fix may be on the horizon. Anyway, if you found this guide informative, make sure to bookmark DigiStatement for more such reads. Read more: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Unable to Read Disc on PS5 Issue/Error CE-100005-6: Is there any fix yet