Elden Ring is the newest RPG multiplayer from the developers at FromSoftware. It is an open-world, multiplayer game with improved combat and mechanics to make it easier for players to travel around the map and face bosses and other enemies through various side quests and main quests. The game promotes exploration by hiding many hard-to-find weapons and other bonuses around the map which require players to really look for them and find them to gain an advantage in their fights. In this article, we will look at How to fix Elden Ring Failed To Login To The Game Server Error.
Like any online game, Elden Ring has been suffering from its share of server and other issues. These issues sometimes make it such that the player is unable to join and play the game. One such error is the Failed To Login To The Game Server Error where players are unable to join the server and hence unable to play the game. In this article, we will take a closer look at what causes this error and how to fix it to make sure that you are back in the game as soon as possible.
How to fix Failed to Login to Game Server error?
There can be many reasons for this error, some of the most common being internet issues and server issues on the host’s end. In order to fix this error, you can follow the steps below
1) Check the internet connection
Check to see if your internet connection is stable and working optimally. If not, restart the router or modem and get in touch with your internet service provider if restarting the router does not work.
2) Use an ethernet cable when playing
This is to ensure that you have the most stable connection possible with the cable granting uninterrupted speeds to the player’s system and making it possible for them to enjoy their game with no lag or other issues.
3) Make sure the game servers are working
If none of these fixes work, the error is mostly at the end of the game’s servers and you can do nothing but wait for the devs to fix it before you can play again.
4) Make sure the game is on the latest version
Another possible fix is to make sure the game is on the latest version. If not, updating it may fix the issue as the latest versions of games often change values and introduce patches that the server responds to making the older versions unplayable.
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