In the ever so popular and growing genre of battle royale the latest entry, Fall Guys has become a well accepted game. Released only a couple of weeks ago on 4th August, this indie title has managed to burnt into popularity due to its unique art style and fun gameplay.
Fall Guys puts the players in control of odd looking jellybean like characters which come in all shapes and sizes. One of the most extensive visually appealing area of the game is the amount of theatrics it offers. Therefore, today we decided to take a look at it. Hence, following is a list of all the emotes and celebrations present in the game so far.
Fall Guys : Emotes List
- Beefy
It is a legendary item, sold in the shop for five crowns only.
- Coo-ey!
It is an uncommon item which can be unlocked at level 11 in Season 1 of the game.
- Friendly Wave
It is a common item which the players already owns from the start of the game.
- Funky Chicken
A common item, pre-owned by the player at the beginning of the game.
- Mexican Wave
It is an uncommon emote which can be bought from the shop for 5000 Kudos only.
- Patty Cake
An epic tier item, sold in shop for only 3 crowns.
- Pirate Jig
This emote is an uncommon obtainable, available at level 30 of season 1.
- Raging
It is an epic item sold in shop for 3 crowns only.
- Thumbs Up
Yet another common item which is already owned by the player.
Fall Guys : Celebration List
- Jack in a box
It is an epic tier celebration, available after achieving level 40 in season 1.
- Knock off
This is a rare celebration which can be bought for 8000 Kudos from the shop.
- Plinth Drop
An initially owned common celebration in season 1.
- Robot Master
Robot Master is a rare celebration which can be bought from the shop for only 8000 kudos.
Thus, with that the list of theatrics in Fall Guys comes to an end. Due to the game being a brand new release, players should expect to see tons of more emotes and celebration down the line.