Tower of Fantasy is an action role-playing game where you can explore the virtual world of the game by traversing the map, while simultaneously engaging in various combats in order to beat the enemies (dangerous monsters). In this game, there is a characteristic called Satiety and the Satiety Meter keeps a check on the character’s Satiety Level. Along with the Satiety level, other characteristics like health also need to be checked. These can be increased by eating meals. These meals are prepared with raw ingredients which can either be found in the game at their respective regions or purchased from the Food Vendors. Along with raw ingredients like potatoes, onions, etc., you can also collect a few fallen fruits. This guide is about how to get Fallen Fruits in Tower of Fantasy. Keep reading the article further for more details.
Tower of Fantasy: How to get Fallen Fruit
The game has a few regions, and if you want to collect Fallen Fruits in the game then you will have to look for the fruits in the Banges and Astra regions. You will have to search for clusters of trees in those regions and if you will look carefully under the trees then you will find Fallen Fruits. These fruits can be used for making various dishes, especially Fruit Cake and Vegetable Salad.
The main places where you will be able to find clusters of trees are Anchorville, the North Ring of Echoes, and the North Banges Farms. These places are just examples of where these fruits are usually found. However, there are lots of other places where these fruits can be found.
Various cooking robots are present in almost all the regions in Tower of Fantasy. These robots do the work of processing all the raw ingredients in the game and converting the raw materials into meals. These meals are helpful since they will help your character in increasing their health meter as well as satiety levels. If you will eat these ingredients in their raw form, then you will have your Satiety levels increase by only 1 unit. Processed meals on the other hand will increase your health as well as Satiety levels by more units.
Now you know how to get Fallen Fruits in Tower of Fantasy, so it will be easy for you to search for them since you will know where to search for them on the map. Keep following DigiStatement for all the latest updates.