The Flash is an American superhero TV series airing on the CW. It is based on the DC Comics character of the Flash aka Barry Allen, who is a crime scene investigator and a costumed speedster portrayed by Grant Gustin who was struck by dark matter lightning and given superhuman speed
and abilities like speed healing and time travel. Since then, the Flash along with his team of ‘Super Friends’ have been fighting crime and saving the day in Central City. The show has really interesting characters like Killer Frost, Gorilla Grodd, Zoom, The Reverse Flash and many more.
Release date:
The Flash Season 6 Episode 12 will be aired on February 18, 2020. The title for the episode is “A Girl Named Sue”.
Promo Breakdown:
From the title itself, we understand that the episode is going to about introducing the character of Sue Debron and exploring her relationship with Ralph Dibny or the Elongated Man. After investigating for a long time Ralph finally is able to make contact with her. Now let us see how she takes Ralph on a roller coaster journey.
Another interesting plot going on is the origin of a new version of the Mirror Master character from the comics, Eva in the series who herself is trapped in the mirror dimension just like Iris. We are eager to see what Iris sees in the mirror dimension and how she manages to escape. Also, Will Eva be a villain in future episodes? All will be revealed when the episode comes out. So, stay tuned and enjoy.