Persona 5 Tactica, the latest installment in the renowned Persona series, has garnered attention for its immersive combat adventure set in the iconic Persona universe. Developed by ATLUS and published by SEGA, the game was eagerly anticipated by fans, marking its release on November 17, 2023. Assembling a team of beloved heroes, players engage in thrilling turn-based combat against oppressive forces. The game, featuring RPG and strategy elements, has received very positive reviews, contributing to the anticipation surrounding its launch. However, some players have encountered a perplexing bug that hinders their progress, preventing them from navigating past the game’s menu.
Despite the game’s enchanting premise, a notable bug has emerged, leaving players unable to progress past the start menu. The bug seems to mimic continuous input as if a directional button is being held down, making navigation difficult. This issue has been reported by multiple players, with variations in its manifestation, such as occurring during combat or menu interactions. So, is there any fix available for this bug? Continue reading to find out!
Persona 5 Tactica Unable to get Past Menu Bug: Is there any fix yet
Unfortunately, as of now, the developers have not released an official fix for the menu bug. However, the Persona 5 Tactica community has come together to share some potential workarounds that may help alleviate the issue for affected players. But keep in mind that these are not guaranteed fixes that will work for everyone. That being said, here are some workarounds that you can try.
Restart the Game/System
Some players have reported that a simple restart of the game or even their entire system has temporarily resolved the menu bug. After closing the game, make sure to terminate all Steam-related processes from the Task Manager. Then, restart the system, launch the game, and see if you can get past the main screen.
Run the Game as an Administrator
Running Persona 5 Tactica as an administrator is another suggested workaround. Elevating the game’s permissions might address any issues related to input recognition, potentially allowing players to progress beyond the menu. To do this, right-click on the game’s shortcut and head to the Properties section. After that, put a check on the box that says “Run the program as Admin” in the Compatibility tab. Now, select Ok, and then launch the game.
Use Alt+Enter & Alt+Tab
- First, launch the game, and then press Alt+Enter. This will make the game run in windowed mode.
- After this, press Alt+Tab and switch over to any running application in the background. If there aren’t any, launch one, and then make the switch.
- Now, press Alt+Tab again and switch over to the Persona 5 Tactica tab.
- Next, press Alt+Enter to make the game run in full-screen mode. Doing so should fix the issue.
Verify Files
Verifying game files through the Steam platform is a common troubleshooting step. This process checks for and rectifies any corrupted or missing files that might be contributing to the menu bug. So, right-click on Persona 5 Tactica from your Steam Library, select Properties, and then head to the Installed Files tab. Here, select the Verify Integrity of Game files option. After the scan is completed, launch the game and check if the issue persists.
Unplug Controller
For some players, the menu bug seems to be associated with controllers or other input devices. Unplugging controllers or disconnecting additional input devices before launching the game has reportedly resolved the issue for certain individuals. So, make sure to give this method a try as well.
Contact Support/Wait for an official fix
If the menu bug persists, players are encouraged to contact support and patiently await an official fix from the developers. While community-suggested workarounds may offer temporary solutions, reaching out to support ensures that the issue is reported and increases the likelihood of a comprehensive resolution.
And those are some effective workarounds for you to try to get past the main menu in Persona 5 Tactica without any issues. We hope this guide was helpful. For more guides and tutorials like this, make sure to follow Digistatement. Read more: Sims 4 Healthcare Redux mod: How to get & install (Download link inside)