Whenever a new game gets released or updated with a new patch, it is highly prone to encounter some new unexpected bugs or errors. Recently, Smilegate has launched the famous, Lost Ark game in American and European regions, and being a new game to these regions, it is troubling many players with some unnecessary bugs and errors. As we have previously guided you on fixing and resolving multiple Lost Ark issues, in this article, we will be guiding you on how you can fix the Lost Ark Sorceress sound not working issue. So, continue reading if you are also looking for a fix for this issue.
Sorceress is one of the most used and admired characters in the Lost Ark game. A lot of Lost Ark players prefer this character to use in the PvP or PvE battles because of the amazing abilities and skills that they can use in the battles. But, what if you are battling using this character and suddenly the sound effects of this character stop working? Well, it would ruin the experience, right? However, there is a fix that you can try to resolve this issue completely. Here is everything you need to know about the same.
Lost Ark Sorceress sound fix
The bug where the players are not able to experience the sound of the skills and abilities used by Sorceress in Lost Ark is very common and is experienced in many localized languages featured in this game. But, you must not worry as this issue is acknowledged by the devs and is also easy to resolve. Just follow these steps to learn how to fix this issue:
Step 1: Head to this location: *Select the Drive where you have installed Lost Ark* > steamapps > common > Lost Ark > EFGame > ReleasePC > WwiseAudio > English.
Step 2: From here, copy “IISQ0T0784DXF8R6CM5MCMQYJM0J0QQC17.bnk”
Step 3: Paste it to the following location: *Drive where you installed Lost Ark* > steamapps > common > Lost Ark > EFGame > ReleasePC > WwiseAudio > French (Just an example. You can select any other language that you are using and experiencing this issue.)
So, this is how you can fix the Lost Ark Sorceress sound (during skills) not working issue. If this article has helped you resolve this issue, then make sure to share it with your friends.