League of Legends Patch Notes 10.3- Champion Skins
Heartseeker Jinx Skin -1350 RP
Here is the preview of Valentine-themed Heartseeker Jinx Skin.
Heartseeker Yuumi- 1350 RP
League of Legends Patch 10.3 Notes-Champion Balance Changes
Twilight Shroud (W)
-[New] If Akali is immobilized while in her shroud, she is revealed for the duration of the immobilizing effect.
-Movement speed in shroud changed from [20/25/30/35/40% while she is in shroud] to [30/35/40/45/50% decaying movement speed for 2 seconds on cast]
Perfect Execution (R)
-R1 targeting changed from [Free targeted] to [enemy champion targeted]
-R1 target range: 625
-R1 dash distance: 625-675 based on distance from them
-R2 dash speed lowered from 3000 to 190
-Base move speed increased from 325 to 335
-Hyper (Mini W) now has minimum damage: 40/60/80/100/120
-Base Hp lowered from 577.8 to 575
-Mana lowered from 265.84 to 265
-Base armor increased from 34 to 38
-Base MR lowered from 32.1 to 28
Strength of Stone (Passive)
-Entering stealth or brush grants Wukong a shield equal to (10% of his maximum health).This effect can trigger every 16/14/12 seconds at levels 1/7/13.
Crushing Blow (Q)
-8/7/6/5/4s Cooldown
-30 Mana
-Wukong’s next attack gains 100 extra range, deals 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% bonus AD) bonus physical damage and reduces the target’s armor by 10/15/20/25/30% for 4 seconds.
Warrior Trickster (W)
-22/20/18/16/14s Cooldown
-50/55/60/65/70 Mana
-Wukong dashes towards the cursor and becomes Invisible for 1 second, leaving behind a stationary clone for 3 seconds. The clone attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged for 50/62.5/75/87.5/100% AD physical damage.
-Stealth – Invisible: Wukong can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
Nimbus Strike (E)
-10s Cooldown
-40/45/50/55/60 Mana
-Wukong dashes to an enemy, sending out clones that mimic the dash up to 2 additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes 65/100/135/170/205 (+80% bAD) magic damage.
-After dashing to an enemy, Wukong gains 30/35/40/45/50% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Cyclone (R)
-120/105/90s Coldown
-100 Mana
-Wukong spins his staff around for 4 seconds, gaining 30/40/50% movement speed.
-While spinning, he deals (2.5/5.5/8.5% (+.1% per 10 total AD)% target max health) physical damage per second to nearby enemies and knocks them up for 1 second the first time they get hit.
-Damage to monsters capped at a maximum of 200/400/600 at 6/11/16 physical damage per second.
Prowling Projectile (Q)
-Mana cost changed from 85/90/95/100/105/110 to 90/88/86/84/82/80
-empowered damage lowered from 50/95/140/185/230/275 to 45/80/115/150/185/220
-[New] now adds +3/4/5/6/7/8% of target’s current health as damage
You and Me! (W)
-CC lockout duration now scales down with CDR
-Silences no longer count as immobilizing CC
-Zoomies! (E)
healing changed from [70/110/150/190/230 (+30% AP)] to[70/100/130/160/190 (+40% AP)]
True Damage Senna Prestige Edition – 100 Prestige Points
PBE Preview
True Damage Senna, Prestige Edition
Designed by Nicolas Ghesquière @twnghesquiere @louisvuitton #LVxLoL pic.twitter.com/3QenEXH8XZ— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 21, 2020
VFX Changes
Annie VFX Changes
Base Kit:
“P – Cleaned up Passive indicator and added a Passive hit overlay on those stunned by Annie.
BA – New missiles and hits.
Q – New missiles and hits, and now has a small cast effect.
W – New cone AOE now matching the actual hitbox, and added a hit effect. Also made a new UI QuickCast indicator to match the actual hitbox.
E – Added the ripples effect often used in damage reduction shields, and modernized the effect as a whole. She now burns the ground under her!
R – New cast effect with better representation of its hitbox. New idle effects on Tibbers. Now has a fire effect all around Tibbers to hint at its AOE damage range.
Idle Effects – Modernized idle fire effect.”
Skin Changes:
“All Skins: Cleaned up and matched base changes.
Goth Annie: Recolored from Base.
Annie in Wonderland: Now has Legendary-tier VFXs! Thematic goal was to make it feel Wonderland-y, dreamy, magical. Also has new Recall and Dance VFXs. Let us [Riot] know how you feel about this!
Frostfire Annie: Recolored from Base.
Panda Annie: Some cleanup and matched base changes.
Hextech Annie: W should better represent the hitbox. Some cleanup, and matched base changes.
Super Galaxy Annie: Some cleanup and matched base changes.
Annie-versary: Matched base changes.”
Nautilus VFX Changes
Base Kit:
“P – New root and hit effect.
BA – Now has trails on all his attacks. Also new impacts.
Q – New Q missile (finally) representing his actual hitbox (as best as possible). Slightly tweaked the UI QuickCast arrow to better match the length/width of the missile.
W – Some cleanup and new shield effect. Removed floating anchor from DoT in favor of a more subtle dark ray of light. Also cleaned up his eyes effect while W is active. New AOE hit effect reflecting the actual size of the AOE.
E – Minor cleanup.
R – Adjusted sizes of explosions to better match their hitbox, and added a new indicator on the target, which should now reflect the actual hitbox of the approaching charge.”
Skin Changes:
“All Skins: Cleaned up and matched base changes.
Astronautilus: Some cleanup, matched base changes and added new VFXs across the whole kit. More asteroids, stars, and space stuff!”