League of Legends season 11 is starting to show up, find the release date for the resumption of the ranked season. League of Legends Season 10 came to a close several weeks ago, with the arrival of the preseason and new item revamps. For over a month, players can train with all of these changes while Riot Games balances them, before Season 11 begins. We present to you an estimate of the start date of the latter.
Riot Games has made Season 11 official for January 8 at 2 AM EST
LoL season 11 start date
Riot Games has yet to release an official date for the start of Season 11 and the resumption of Ranked Mode, but various information can be used to estimate a potential resumption date. Earlier this year, the studio communicated the day of each patch in Season 10, which would run until patch 10.25 on December 9, 2020. Since the patches occur every 2 weeks, the most similar assumption is that patch 11.1 will be released on Wednesday, December 23, 2020.
Another possibility would be for Riot to delay this patch for two weeks since it is the holiday season, and a lot of people (including within the company) are likely to take vacations. In that case, Season 11 could be released on January 6, 2021.
While waiting for the arrival of season 11, it is still possible to play in ranked mode during the preseason. Remember that your rank will be reset at the start of the next season, but your games will affect the MMR you will have at that time.
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