The VoidReaver seems to be doing indecently well in this League of Legends preseason. Passing through the cracks with each patch, Kha’Zix currently has a staggering victory rate, systematically increasing with the level of the players. The League of Legends preseason brought a lot of new things – we are of course thinking of the appearance of new items, mythical ones, but also the partial overhaul and the creation of new legendary items. On the champions side, balancing has taken place, as in each patch.
A champion seems to have done well, a champion who however rarely appears in the patch notes: the Nether Reaper, Kha’Zix. It currently displays an indecent rate of victories (which only increases according to the levels of the players): all levels combined, it reaches 53.6% (for a ban rate of 28.9%). But then, why is the assassin so strong in this preseason?
It’s easy to tell he’s just not balanced: there are a lot of items that are way too effective on him, especially lethal items. Right now, the Assassin class has the most choices when it comes to their situational objects. In short, Kha’Zix has an unprecedented adaptability, you can build it in a lot of different but above all effective ways depending on the progress of your game.
Theoretically, it’s a bad blind pick, yes but voila, in the current meta there are not a lot of effective responses to the champion and his counters are rather difficult to play like Olaf . If you find yourself facing a Kha’Zix pick and playing as a jungler, we advise you to head for an Ivern (even if the champion is not popular, he farms faster than the reaper who doesn’t. will not be able to take too many distances) or Nunu & Willump, which, once past mid-game, won’t be as easy to knock down as a champion says more squishy. If Kha’Zix were up against more tanks he might not be as predominant, and this is also one of the issues, the current meta concentrates a lot of squishy champions but also presents a cruel lack of controls over lanes (apart from the bot lane, but a smart Kha’Zix will not impale itself on a Leona ).
What is true for Kha’Zix is generally true for the other assassins in the game. Evelynn is doing decently too, but she is not as popular.
However, do not rush to Kha’Zix if the champion is available during your draft phase, the champion is not the easiest, you have to know a minimum to use his full potential. Between a good and a bad Kha’Zix, there will always be a big difference. On the other hand, if you are “ok tier” you will get by without too much trouble if you manage to feed yourself.
Kha’Zix is rarely impacted by changes, but given its win rate, it seems certain that Riot Games will take stock of the situation and nerf the champion at the start of the year, with the patch. 11.1 (even if it does not appear in the changes in progress on the PBE). In the meantime, if you are an OTP of the champion, take advantage! And if you hate it, don’t hesitate to ban it!