Money holds tremendous value if you wish to achieve your goals swiftly and with ease in both real life and GTA 5 online. The popular sandbox game Grand Theft Auto 5 mesmerized players with a vast open-world, impeccable storyline, and variety of activities that players can do in their free time to blow off some steam. The online counterpart further takes this to a whole new level and lets you carve your own legacy. You can own businesses, earn money from online jobs, do heists, and roleplay as the character of your choosing. There’s so much to do that you never run out of ideas.
If you’re looking to start a new playthrough and want to carry on your progression to another character of yours, including money, you can do that easily. In this article, we’ll be talking about the game and how you can transfer money to another character in GTA 5 Online.
Overview of GTA 5 Online.
GTA 5 Online has been enjoyed by many fans for the level of freedom and goofy stuff they can do with their friends and have a good time. The popularity of it drew many players and streamers who love to roleplay their favorite character and do activities that ensure a good time and enhance the immersion to unimaginable heights. Plus, Rockstar Games releases plenty of expansions for the game like the Contracts DLC that include new weapons, story mode missions, and quality of life improvements that keeps the players entertained and always have something new to explore. You can also earn money by taking on various jobs and even transferring it to your second character.
How to transfer money to another account in GTA 5 Online?
If you have two characters in GTA 5 Online and wish to transfer your progression, including money, it’s pretty easy as long as you follow the steps mentioned in the video. To do so, follow the given steps.
1) First, open up your phone and then open up your Internet Browser. On the upper right side of the screen, you can see how much money your character has and money in your bank account.
2) The money that you have in your bank account can be shared with your second character. This can be done using the browser in your phone. In the browser, click on “Money and Services” and select the “Maze Bank”. After that, select “Main Menu” and then select “Deposit”. You then have to transfer the cash you have in hand to your main bank account. Once you’ve decided how much money you’d transfer, click on it and then click on “Yes”. The money will be transferred to your bank account as indicated on the upper right side of the screen.
3) Once you’ve done that, close the screen and press Options, and select the Online tab. Then select “Swap Characters” and press “Ok”. You’ll be sent to the character selection screen where you can see both your main and secondary characters. Select your main character, and load them into the game. Now, open the internet browser again and you can see the deposited cash in your bank account. So this is how you can transfer money to another character in GTA 5 Online.
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