Loomian Legacy recently got the Sweet Retreat update which brought a new cake-baking mini-game along with 9 new loomians. Well, some of these loomians are easy to capture, however, the new Nymaurae isn’t on that list of easily captured loomians. To capture a Nymaurae, players need to grind a lot, and even after the grind, there isn’t any guarantee that you will be able to capture one. Here’s everything you need to know.
Loomian Legacy
Catching, bonding, and training the captured loomians for battles are the main objective of the game. However, capturing a loomian isn’t an easy task, let alone its training. But some of these loomians are even harder to capture than the rest. But this new Nymaurae’s capture process hits another level. To capture it, players have to hard grind cake points. To know more, continue reading.
How to capture Nymaurae?
Remember the new cake baking mini-game introduced in the new update? This mini-game rewards players cake points which can be later redeemed to buy certain cakes which are useful to capture loomians. The new Nymaurae requires a Delicious cake to lure out. However, buying a Delicious Cake isn’t so easy. To buy a Delicious cake, one has to play the mini-game which rewards players with 1 cake point after completing each task. And after acquiring 200 cake points, players can buy the Delicious Cake.
So assuming you have the Delicious Cake with you, head over to the pedestal area and place the Delicious Cake on it to initiate the battle. Once you encounter the Nymaurae, try to catch it. And if you fail to do so, you have to go through the process of acquiring 200 cake points for the Delicious Cake again. Yes, it is not soft resettable. If you use the pedestal, your Delicious Cake will be used, no matter what.
Also, use air and light disc to capture this loomian as it is of the air-light type.
Good Luck!