Interestingly, the GTA series started as an action and racing game franchise. Its later evolution into a full real-life simulation game came as a response of developers to the requests of the gaming community. However, the cars in the GTA series have remained special to players and fans. Perhaps you need to win a race, beat a deadline, or make a quick getaway, you will need to activate turbo. But, to use Turbo in your car, you obviously have to fit it in the first place. Once you fit turbo in your car, you might hear a mechanical squeal and the car gets to accelerate even faster when you change gears while at top speed. That’s how you know the turbo is working.
Once the throttle is pushed again to boost the performance, the turbo will be able to raise its speed/boost faster since it can continue to spin. A dump valve gets more efficient the more turbo you apply. The Rocket Voltic, the Nightmare Scarab, and the Pegassi toreador, as well as the Scramjet, are the most powerful turbo vehicles in GTA 5 Online. You should also know it takes 50 races to unlock turbo in supercars.
GTA 5 Online Activate Turbo
When you have fitted the car with turbochargers or confirmed the turbocharges are preinstalled in the car, all you need to do in GTA 5 online to activate the turbo is press and hold the X button on your console, and then use L1 o R1 to choose which direction to move the vehicle. On Xbox One, the buttons are A + LB/RB. If you are comfortable using a PC to play GTA 5 Online, the buttons to activate turbo with are the X/ right mouse button.
It is important not to confuse turbo with nitro. Turbo is a device that aids acceleration while nitro is a state in which a race car achieves, which gives it super but unrealistic speed.
Nitrous is a reusable car component in Grand Theft Auto 5 online that can be put on customized automobiles at any garage that modifications in San Andreas. Nitro comes in three different “sizes”: 2x, 5x, and 10x while a turbocharger is a self-contained device that may be installed in a car. Each boost is comparable, but the number of possible applications is limited. Before expiry, 2x grants 2 nitrous boosts, 5x grants 5 boosts, and 10x grants 10 boosts.
It also significantly boosts a vehicle’s speed, but unlike a turbo that is put on the automobile and does not require loading, it does not aid peak speed.
To know more about GTA 5 online and its tweaks, make sure to check our other articles about it. Meanwhile, share this with your game buddies and stay updated on gaming tweaks and news by visiting DigiStatement.