The initial games of the Grand Theft Auto series were a turning point in the history of games, and since then there was no looking back. The latest installment of the series is the game GTA 5, and it has a fan base present all over the world. This action-adventure game is everything one can ever demand. You can do everything from riding a plane to driving cars to completing various missions, etc., and is really fun to play. There are people who want to play this game with different specific themes, but that’s not possible on the normal version. This is the reason why there are plenty of mods available to provide a unique experience where players can enjoy the game from a different perspective. It is not a difficult task to install GTA 5 Mods on Windows, but it is somewhat complex on the Steam Deck. In this article, we will be covering all the important details about how to install GTA 5 Mods on Steam Deck
GTA V: How to install mods on Steam Deck?
Since we are discussing about Mods, let us first know what Mods actually are in GTA 5. Mods are basically a way of making the game theme specific. In the concept of Mods, the game’s functionality and the story remain the same, except for the visual appearance. After applying mods, you will find some visual changes that can range from the character’s appearance to infrastructural changes and also the inclusion of unique content. New vehicles, new characters, etc. Now, let us have a look at the procedure to install GTA 5 mods on Steam Deck.
In the first step, you need to download ‘ScriptHookV’ on your Steam Deck. After downloading and unzipping the folder, you will be able to see a folder with the name ‘BIN’. Navigate inside the folder and delete the ‘nativetrainer.asi’ file, followed by copying the rest of the files to the main GTA 5 folder. You can find this folder in the SteamApps folder. For the next step, you will have to download a trainer like Menyoo or Enhanced Native trainer and then move those download folders into the GTA 5 folder. Now, all you need to do is to just write and execute the given commands. You will have to do this in the launch options of the game.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”dinput8.dll=n,b” %command%
If your game is present on the SD Card, then you need to run the following command:
STEAM_COMPAT_MOUNTS=/run/media/mmcblk0p1 WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”dinput8=n,b” %command%
After following all these steps correctly, you will be able to run mods for GTA 5 on Steam Deck. However, make sure to download mods from a trusted source to avoid in-game issues.