The latest installment in the Forza Horizon video game series, Forza Horizon 5 is a racing game developed by Playground Games and published by Xbox Gaming Studios. Just like the predecessor, this installment also created an impactful launch and has been receiving a very positive response from critics. This game features the most diverse as well as the biggest map (Mexico) in the history of this video game franchise. Along with it, it also features, the highest peak in the history of the game.
This game is a cherry on the cake for those game fans who have subscribed to the Xbox Game Pass as they do not have to pay any extra money to play this game. Well, there are many players who happen to use multiple Microsoft or Xbox Accounts. Now, the issue they are facing is that they are unable to switch to another Microsoft or Xbox Account. In this article, we are going to guide you on how you can resolve this issue easily. So, if you are also facing this error, then make sure to read this article till the end.
Fix: FH5 Can’t Switch to another Microsoft Account issue
To fix this issue, you must simply follow these steps (try launching the game after each and every step):
- Log out from Microsoft Store and Xbox App. Go to profile in both these applications and select, Sign Out from there. Now, when you will launch the game, it will let you log into another Microsoft or Xbox Account. You can also remove the account you do not want if the issue persists.
- Use Email & Accounts Windows Settings. Click on Start Menu > Settings > Accounts > Email and Accounts. Here, you will see all the Microsoft Accounts that you have used on your PC. Select the account that you want to log out from FH5 and select the option, “Apps need to ask me to use this account”.
- Delete Accounts and Cache Folder: Head to this location and delete the Accounts and Cache Folder present there: Local Disk C > Users > Your User Name > AppData > Local > Packages > Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_cw5n1h2txyewy > AC > TokenBroker
- Delete Xbl login credentials: Search for Credential Manager and select it > Windows Credential > Find XblGrts|DeviceKey > Select it and remove it.
So, these all were the FH5 Can’t Switch to another Microsoft Account issue. If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends.
Also, check out: Forza Horizon 5 currently not available in your account & throwing error code 0x803F8001: Fixes & Workarounds