Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on Steam has had its fair share of issues. For some, the audio is glitching; for others, the game shows a DirectX12 error. Well, in this guide, we will go over the Textures Not loading issues that many are having to deal with. So, if you have been facing the same, read this guide till the end to see if there are any fixes for this.
As per player reports, the game fails to load textures and assets properly, leading to broken cinematics where characters stare blankly, NPCs freeze in place, and textures appear incorrectly. The problem often escalates, causing the music to stop and eventually resulting in a black screen if you open the menu or rest on a bench. Well, this halts progression, and the only way past it is to close the game and launch it again. Of course, this is a hassle. Anyway, here are some workarounds you can try to fix the issue for good.
Final Fantasy VII (FFVII) Rebirth Textures Not Loading Issue: Is there any fix yet
Hotfixes and patches are yet to arrive from the official team for this problem. Well, a lot of players have been dealing with this issue and they have come together to suggest some fixes that worked for them. We have shared all the effective workarounds for you to try as suggested by affected players! So, do give them a shot.
First things first
Before trying the player-suggested fixes, start by rebooting your PC and running the game as an administrator. Close any unnecessary background applications that might be interfering. You can also try saving and reloading your game, as this may temporarily resolve certain glitches or performance issues.
DLL files fix
This is the most popular workaround and it involves replacing the dstorage.dll and dstoragecore.dll files in the FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH directory with the ones from Final Fantasy XVI. These files are located in \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\End\Binaries\Win64. By swapping them out, the game may run more smoothly, load faster, and potentially won’t encounter any texture loading or black screen issues. If you don’t have FFXVI, you can try downloading the files by clicking here or accessing them via other third-party sources. Once downloaded, use winrar to unzip the folder and then copy-paste them into the game’s Win64 folder.
Nvidia Control Panel
Here is a fix that can be implemented from your GPU’s software. All you have to do is try disabling Low Latency Mode in the NVIDIA Control Panel, as this has resolved the issue for some players. If you’re using an AMD GPU, turn off Anti-Lag in the AMD Adrenaline software, as it may be causing similar problems. With these tweaks, reboot your PC and then launch the game to see if the textures load properly now.
Use Mods
You can try using mods to improve performance and stability in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. First, install the FFVIIHook mod, then the Ultimate Engine Tweaks mod. Once you get access to the Engine.ini file, open it with Notepad and remove the line “r.OneFrameThreadLag=0”, as it can significantly impact performance. You can download these mods from NexusMod and the installation process for each is given on the download page for these mods. Also, speaking about mods, you can download and try out the Black Screen Fix mod! You can download it from here.
If you’re experiencing stuttering, texture loading issues, or graphical bugs in areas like Nibelheim, it could be due to Level of Detail (LOD) streaming issues. A potential fix is to manually tweak the game’s Engine.ini file to improve texture streaming and shader loading. Here’s how you can do it:
- Open File Explorer and go to: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor. Replace USERNAME with your actual Windows profile name.
- Create or edit the “Engine.ini” file: If the Engine.ini file already exists (in case you already installed the FFVIIHook Mod), open it with Notepad. If it doesn’t exist, right-click inside the folder, select New > Text Document, rename it to Engine.ini, and open it.
- Paste the following lines into the file:
- [SystemSettings]
- r.MipMapLodBias=1
- r.Streaming.PoolSize=0
- r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=0
- r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=256
- r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0
- niagara.CreateShadersOnLoad=1
- r.CreateShadersOnLoad=1
- Save the file and close Notepad. Launch the game and test performance.
Players have reported significantly fewer LOD issues, better texture streaming, and smoother performance after applying this fix. If issues persist, consider lowering graphics settings or adjusting the MipMapLodBias value further.
Shader Cache
Increasing the shader cache size in the NVIDIA Control Panel to 10GB is yet another suggested fix that can help reduce stuttering and graphical glitches. By default, NVIDIA sets this to 4GB, which may not be enough for large open-world games. To change it, go to NVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Global Settings, find Shader Cache Size, and set it to 10GB. This allows the game to store and reuse more compiled shaders, improving performance and stability. You can also force the game to recompile shaders. To do this, try deleting the shader cache file located at: Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH\Saved\D3DDriverByteCodeBlob_V4318_D10336_S462622787_R161.ushaderprecache. After deleting the file, run the game as administrator to force it to recompile shaders, which may help resolve graphical glitches and improve stability.
GPU Drivers Update
Check if NVIDIA or AMD has released any new driver updates for your GPU. You’ll need to search for them manually on NVIDIA’s/AMD’s website. Keeping your GPU drivers updated is crucial, as newer versions often fix performance issues, crashes, and graphical glitches. If you have a pending update, download and install it ASAP to make sure you have the best experience in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and other games.
Scaling and FPS
Another potential fix is adjusting scaling and setting an FPS limit. Set the minimum and maximum scaling to 66% in the game settings, then cap the FPS to 120 in the NVIDIA Control Panel instead of using the in-game limiter. Players have reported that the in-game FPS cap is inconsistent, sometimes fluctuating wildly from 800 FPS to 15 FPS, causing major performance issues. By using the GPU Control Panel to limit in-game FPS, the game runs much smoother, and overall stability improves.
Upgrading to Windows 11 has helped improve stability for some players, allowing for longer, uninterrupted play sessions. However, crashes may still occur, so it’s important to save progress frequently.
Reinstall on the Faster drive
The final workaround is reinstalling Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on a faster SSD. A slow or outdated hard drive can struggle with loading large game assets quickly, leading to delays in rendering textures and NPC positions. Moving the game to a high-speed NVMe or SATA SSD can significantly improve load times, reduce texture pop-in, and make scene transitions smoother.
That said, we hope one of these workarounds helped you to fix the texture loading issues in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Now, if you are facing the black screen issue as well in the game, click here for the fixes. Also, stay tuned to DigiStatement for daily gaming content like this.