For any FIFA 2K fan, SBC is the greatest feature in FIFA 23 that allows one to partake in various ways. You can build your ultimate team, complete specific challenges, claim bonus rewards, etc, so, you can see the appeal. Now that the game is available in Early Access to the players who pre-purchased it, many are facing technical errors that yield all sorts of frustration. The SBC “Failed to Submit Error” is the most infuriating one as players can’t submit their squad in challenges. If you’re also experiencing this, then your search ends here as we’ve put together a few things that’ll help you fix it. Continue reading the article to know about FIFA 23 and how to fix the SBC “failed to submit” error.
FIFA 23 offers many incentives for engaging in SBC and has rewards that can be hard to turn down for fans of the series. To earn those rewards like coins, card packs, and single-player cards, players have to complete a specific set of objectives. To get the most out of the game, many worldwide players engage in SBC challenges from previous entries. However, given the large player base, the servers often crash due to unexpected amounts of traffic. Players are on the receiving end of the issues and looking for ways to submit the challenges. However due to the current state of the Web App, many are unable to do so. Check out the fixes that solve the issue and let you submit challenges again in FIFA 23.
SBC failed to submit error fix in FIFA 23?
After investigating the issue through multiple sources, we’ve found the best fixes that’ll help you submit challenges once again. One user by the name of MrTomBully on EA forums suggested a temporary fix for completing the challenges. It is currently bugged so you have to close the web app and open it once again. Navigate to SBC and don’t do anything but look at the chemistry. For some reason, the game displays the wrong chemistry. All you have to do is get the number above the required by buying players to get the chemistry well above the value and the app will let you submit. Anyways, the devs have stated that the issue has been fixed. However, if it persists for you, try the given workarounds.
1) You can try restarting the app as FIFA 23 app is relatively new and has issues. If it doesn’t work, see other fixes below.
2) Another thing that you can try to do is remove a player from a lineup and assign a new one that has the right chemistry alignment. You can also bench a player as it can solve the issue as well.
3) The last and final thing that you can do is to ensure that the team’s chemistry falls within the predetermined range. Apparently, the issue with the chemistry change in FIFA 23 style range is the culprit that causes the error.
This concludes the article on SBC failed to submit error in FIFA 23. We hope that you enjoyed reading this article. Stay tuned for more updates about FIFA 23, guides, news, and more at Digistatement.