Apex Legends came to the market and became an instant hit. The Electronic Arts production has been able to become a household name. Henceforth, we get to see the game being played from teens to adults. Many YouTubers live stream their performance on platforms like YouTube and even Discord. The Battle Royale game henceforth brings a range of characters, and some of them become our favourites. While you choose between Gibraltar or Wraith or even Bangalore, the gaming experience is about to get heated. You get the option to launch the game from EA Sport’s Origin or go from popular digital library service Steam.
When we launch the game, there’s an intro video mentioning the credits of Respawn Entertainment and EA. But this video cannot be skipped, despite many complaints, and need to wait till the game loads. Unfortunately, we cannot find the option in Settings to disable this intro video. But we are here to share the trick. You can skip or disable the intro video that comes on Apex Legends. How to do this? What is the procedure? Read this article carefully and follow the procedure.
Disabling Intro Video on Apex Legends
- To start the process, we would open the game from Origin. A major way of disabling the video is by editing the game files. But we got a simpler trick for you.
- From the Origin library, select Apex Legends.
- Right-click on Apex Legends and you will get to see a drop-down menu
- From this Drop-down menu, select Game Properties
- As the Game Properties tab opens up, you will get to see three options, namely: General, Cloud Saves and Advanced Launch Options.
- We select Advanced Launch Options from here.
- As the Advanced Launch Options tab opens up, we get to see two options. The first one is Game Language,
- The other option would be Command line arguments
- We would put a command here, which would help in disabling the intro video.
- In the Command line arguments option, type out -novid -dev together
- Click on save and launch Apex Legends again.
Hence after the addition of new command, when we open Apex Legends the next time, we will see the command being effective. Now, the game would load, and once it opens up, we are directly on the main menu. This is how you can disable the intro video on Apex Legends.
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