To ensure the citizens are healthy and well fed in Farthest Frontier, securing an ample amount of food is necessary. Meat in particular is one of the food sources that is very rich in protein and keeps people full. The bigger the population gets, so does the consumption and the lack of food can bring down the morale of people. While a steady supply of food can be ensured by growing crops, obtaining meat is entirely a different matter. If you’re planning on getting meat, our short guide has covered the basics that you need to follow to do so. Continue reading the article to know how to get meat in Farthest Frontier.
Having plenty of food is important in Farthest Frontier. At a very early stage, you can get simple types of edible food like berries. However, with the increasing population, it becomes difficult for people to sustain simple food and need meat. Although acquiring meat isn’t difficult, you’ll have to do plenty of legwork to get it. In the game, there are two primary ways that you can get meat and we’ve mentioned them both. With that being said, check out how to get meat in the game.
How to get Meat in Farthest Frontier?
You can obtain a surplus amount of meat by either hunting or fishing and both of them need a few things to take care of. We’ll be going over what to keep in mind when attempting both methods.
A very generic way that many know about getting meat in Farthest Frontier or in real life. Before you proceed, you need to build a hunter’s cabin. This will require one of the villagers to become a hunter and they’ll hunt the animals for meat. After that, you need to build a dirt road that goes from the cabin to the wilderness. Don’t know how to build dirt roads? Don’t worry as we’ve covered it here. Anyways, Hunters will venture into the wilderness and hunt various animals like deer and small animals like rabbits. Make sure not to harvest timber in the area you’re hunting as deforestation will cause a decline in the animal population. Another important thing you need to do is to build a “Smoke House” to preserve the quality of meat.
Another best alternative for meat and establishing a steady supply that is just as equal as hunting is fishing. To get fish, you need to build a “Fishing Shack” near a water body. However, it isn’t easy as it sounds as placing it randomly will do you more harm in terms of supply. Look for places with a high number of shore tiles and build fishing shacks there to get a steady supply of fish. It is recommended to place two fishing shacks on large ponds and one on small ponds.
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