WWE 2k22 is the most beloved wrestling game where you can test your endurance and get to even play as real-life wrestlers like John Cena and bask in their awesomeness. Every wrestler has unique moves that players can pull off like piledriver, springboard, etc. It has beautiful visuals and offers a major upgrade to WWE 2k20 in pretty much everything. Lately, some people have reported that the game is running in slow motion, along with random crashes, and other issues. Luckily there is a fix and in this article, we’ll be talking about how you can fix slow motion issues and run the game at its full potential. Continue reading the article to know more.
About WWE 2K22
Every game of the WWE series has seen significant gameplay improvements, changes in visuals, features, and mechanics that players love, including WWE 2k22. You have access to new game modes that offer a unique experience when it comes to fighting wrestlers and much-improved fighting that feels so good when playing it. While the game has technical flaws, it makes up for its performance, visuals, and gameplay.
How to fix the slow-motion issue in WWE 2K22?
If you’re experiencing slow-motion issues in WWE 2K22, do not worry as we’ve listed a few things that can fix the issue.
Run the game at lower resolution.
If you’re experiencing constant slowdowns in WWE 2k22, you must lower the resolution of the game via the in-game options. Head to the Options menu>Extras>Graphics settings, and lower the resolution to see if it fixes the issue or not.
Switch to native resolution.
You can also try to run the game to the native resolution of the monitor as higher ones can often cause major slowdowns in games. If your monitor supports 4k resolution, select 4k resolution in WWE 2K22 and if not, select the appropriate resolution as per your monitor.
Toggle Windows mode on/off
Enabling windowed mode can also help you in fixing the slowdown issue in WWE 2k22. To do this, go to the Options menu>Extras>Graphics settings, and under this section, toggle the “Windowed” option to “yes”. After doing this, try running the game. If it doesn’t fix the issue, select “no” and launch the game again.
You can also toggle windowed mode by changing the config.ini file of the game. Open File Explorer, and head to the Documents folder. Here, find and open the WWE 2k22 folder, right-click on the config file and open it with Notepad. Scroll down until you see the windowed mode option. Now, change the value from “no” to “yes” and save it. Run the game and see the issue is fixed or not.
Run the game on a dedicated GPU
If you have a gaming laptop with a dual graphics card, chances are it’s using the integrated GPU. Due to this, WWE 2K22 isn’t getting enough resources to run properly. So, make sure that the game is running on your dedicated GPU.
Turn off V-sync in the control panel
If you’re having the slow-motion issue in-game, it might be because the game’s FPS is capped by V-sync. Well, you need to disable it to get rid of this issue. Open the control panel of your GPU and toggle the V-sync option to Off.
If you have Nvidia GPU, right-click on the desktop and click on NVIDIA Control Panel, tap on Manage 3d settings, and then “Program Settings”. Click on the “Add” button and select WWE 2K22 from the list. However, if the game is not listed, you have to navigate to where you’ve installed the game. Go to the path and select the game’s.exe file and click on open. Once it’s added, select “high-performance NVIDIA processor and scroll down until you find the V-sync option and select “Off”. Save the changes and launch the game.
Increase FPS in the control panel
If you have trouble running the game at full potential, you can try to increase the FPS of the game in the control panel. Simply repeat the upper method and in the program settings option, turn the “Max frame rate” option to ON and adjust the slider from 60FPS to 100 or 120 FPS.
Use Alt + enter
Press the Alt+enter key to check if the game is still having slowdown issues or not.
Reduce the graphics settings
Lowering the graphics settings can also give you a massive boost in performance. Open the game and go to the options menu. Now select Extras, then graphics settings, and lower down the game’s Quality Settings. Make sure that every setting related to Quality should be set to low/medium. Save the settings and then run the game.
Do clean installation of GPU driver.
Performing a clean installation of graphics card drivers has worked for a few users and is something you should try for yourself. Go to AMD or Nvidia website and select your GPU model, OS, and click on search. The website will show the latest drivers for you to download. Click on the “Download” button on the Nvidia website. Run the .exe file of the driver you just downloaded and proceed with the installation. After this, reboot the computer and launch the game.
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