Overlord is a sequel to Japanese science fiction manga. It has gained immense popularity over the three seasons, and Overlord Season 4 will be out soon. Here we present everything you need to know about the Overlord S4.
Overlord season 4 release date
Overlord season 4 was reportedly due for release in 2020, but the webcast of the fourth edition of the anime has been delayed due to the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Overlord Season 4 release date will be in 2021 or, in the worst case, it will be pushed back to 2022.
The storyline for the fourth season of Overlord
To date, no information is available regarding the scenario for Season 4 of Overlord. In addition, no official trailer for season 4 has yet been presented. However, we expect to see the defeat of Frost’s Dragons, who featured in previous seasons of Overlord. At the same time, Albedo could finally reveal his feelings towards his master. We might also see a more powerful version of Ainz.
Without this fourth season, we’ll never know if Ainz will succeed in taking over the entire world of Yggdrasil or if someone strong enough will show up to stop him. The only way to learn this without further action would be to read the light novels. The fourth season of Overlord will be an adaptation of volume 10. The Overlord light novels are still active. His latest volume, written by author Kugane Maruyama, was released in Japan on March 12, 2020. He released one volume in 2017, 2018, and 0 in 2019. According to the author, he plans to finish Overlord with Book 17.
Volume 13 sold over 235,000 copies, and the latest volume 14 sold over 195,000 copies before falling from the top 10 ranking. Being one of the best-selling series by volume sounds extraordinary, but it’s only one volume per year.
The cast of Overlord’s S4
The main cast of the anime should be the same. You will find the most loved voices of Satoshi Hino and Yumi Hara inside your ears. They will be joined by Manami Numkura, Masayuki Katou and Sumire Uesaka.
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