WhatsApp is the king of online communications presently. A lot of new apps have been coming up, like Telegram, that supports messaging and files sharing. Older apps like Instagram, Messenger, and even WeChat are trying to push their game up. But WhatsApp is unmatchable, and the users just aren’t ready to switch to anything new, old, better or non-WhatsApp!
Mods are the short form of modifiers/ modifications/ modified. The internet is filled with modified versions of modern-day apps. One such modified version of WhatsApp is WhatsApp Plus, which is what this article is all about.
What is WhatsApp Plus-
Users have presently got so comfortable with the existing WhatsApp version that nobody wants any change or even upgrade of the app. But innovations and advanced features of WhatsApp are all set to be used and experimented with. But, the officials do not want to take any risk by rolling out the features with the stable WhatsApp, because the disliking of the people can end up taking down the entire WhatsApp network to ruins, just like most of the other social networking apps that haven’t received a positive approach from the people.
Hence, the official team has launched WhatsApp Plus, which will rock all the additional features that WhatsApp is compatible with. But as there can only be one WhatsApp, the Plus version is unauthorized by the Play store. But the APK version of this app is available and the latest, 2020 version of WhatsApp Plus is out!
WhatsApp Plus is popularly known for one of its very convenient features- using two WhatsApp numbers in the same platform, which is WhatsApp Plus. WhatsApp Plus provides various options to control and change the user interface, especially the themes. We also get to see improved security and privacy.
Download WhatsApp Plus apk version 8.25-
Click the link below and follow the given steps to download WhatsApp Plus latest 2020 version.
Download WhatsApp Plus v8.25
Step 1-
Click the link given above. A page will open where you can choose which version of WhatsApp Plus you want to download. Click on the green widgets in which the desired version is mentioned.
Step 2-
When you click on the desired version, the download process will instantly begin. If any permissions are asked to be given, proceed by allowing as this apk is safe and popularly accessed by a lot of people across the globe.
Step 3-
Unzip the folder after download and install the apk. You will be all set to rock the latest version of WhatsApp Plus in your device.
WhatsApp Plus v8.25 Details-
The user interface changes that we can make has been improved, especially related to the theme modifications. A major update that the latest WhatsApp Plus will rock is that you can send photos without worrying about the size, resolution, and pixels of the image. No compression will take place but instead, the original version will reach the person you want to send it to.
Not just photos, but even audio and videos can be sent without asking for any alterations. Videos can be sent without any restrictions based on the length of them. You will also be provided with a function to download themes from external links.
Another major upgrade is, you can now copy and paste a part of the text that is already in the app chats. After all, time consumption is everything! You can also prioritize on showcasing/ hiding your profile picture with more detailed settings. Functions like quick sharing, being able to check network connection and status are other updates the new version has received.
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