Tower of Fantasy is an online multiplayer game and thus it is prone to various technical glitches as well as various server-related errors, but there are a few other errors too in the game because of which the players have to face various problems. There is a chance that you might be witnessing a full-screen issue in Tower of Fantasy. If you have been facing this issue recently and if you still haven’t figured out a solution to this problem, then you are at the right place. In this article, we have covered how to fix the Full-Screen Error in Tower of Fantasy. Keep reading this article further for more details.
Tower of Fantasy Full-Screen error: How to fix it?
1) In order to fix the Full-Screen Error in Tower of Fantasy, first, you need to press the ‘F11’ key on your keyboard.
2) After pressing the key on the keyboard, your game will be back to the maximized size.
3) There is another key combination to do this, and that is by pressing ‘Alt + Enter’ on the keyboard.
4) After doing this, you will get options to adjust your game resolution settings.
If you will choose the option so that the ‘Full-Screen Display’ is disabled, then your game will be minimized. In the minimized state, you can only perform two functions considering the screen size of the game i.e. you will either be able to close the game or you will be able to move the screen and rest other screen resolution and window size-related options won’t be available to you. Note that in this case, even the maximize icon will not be clickable. This is a bug in the game and presently the developers are working on this problem. This means that this is a glitch in the game and presently no perfect solution is available for this problem. The only thing you can do right now is to avoid disabling the ‘Full-Screen Display’ Feature in the game.
There is no other way to get to fullscreen mode once your screen size is minimized since the maximize button becomes unclickable after it happens. So, not disabling the ‘Full-Screen Display’ option will ensure that you don’t run into this issue.
This was a guide on how to fix the Full-Screen Error in Tower of Fantasy. We hope it was able to provide you with all the information you needed. Keep following DigiStatement for all the latest gaming-related updates.