The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom series that is broadcasted by Fox Broadcasting Company. The show revolves around the plot of a middle class working family life which is shown by the Simpsons family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The family is based in a fictional town of Springfield.
The show has been on air since long ago and numerous personalities like Elon Must and other celebrities have given their cameos in the show. Also, the show is a fan favorite as it is known to include hilarious parodies on famous or trending pop culture and sometimes politics.
Release Date
Simpson Season 31 Episode 14 is scheduled to release on March 1, 2020. The episode is titled, “Bart the Bad Guy”.
Promo Breakdown and predictions:
In the last episode i.e. episode 13, we saw how the Simpsons take on Cryptocurrency.
In this episode, we are to expect once again a huge cameo from the Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige himself. The episode is going to be an action-packed superhero packed drama where Kevin plays the role of a Thanos-like villain named ‘Chinos’ who is seen to threaten the whole world and its existence by using a mobile application called the Doomsday app. From the title, we can decipher that it is Bart who is going to play the bad guy.
He will manage to watch movies a month prior to release and then blackmail the creators to spoil it to the world. Joe and Anthony Russo, the duo that directed Avengers: Endgame and Infinity War will also be voicing in this episode along with Cobie Smulders and Taran Killam.
So, be ready to be bouncing on your seats as it is going to be hilarious to see your favorite superheroes and villains getting played.
Stay tuned for more.