A 2022 drama/horror video game called The Quarry was developed by Supermassive Games and released by 2K. Supermassive Games, a British company, created The Quarry with the intention of creating a spiritual successor to the game, Until Dawn (2015). Numerous decisions that players make during the game can have a big impact on the story’s plot, relationships, character development, and resolution. Do you know that you can play The Quarry with your friends also? Do not worry if you are hearing about this for the first time. In this article, we have covered all the details regarding how to play Local Co-Op mode in The Quarry.
Before knowing how to play Local Co-Op mode in The Quarry, let us first discuss what the Co-Op mode actually means. The Co-Op mode is that mode in a game in which you can play with other players on the system. Note that ‘active players’ does not mean ‘bots’ here. The other active players are the ones who are playing the game on the same console. They can connect with you in the game and you people can play together. Note that in order to connect with any friend of yours, you both need to be on the same console. Each player connected to the console will have the access to a single character of the game, and the functioning of all the characters will be independent of each other. For example, if there are 3 people connected to a single console (i.e. if 3 controllers are connected), they get to control 3 character different characters in the game. Now, since you know what Co-Op mode really is, you can proceed with the guide.
The Quarry: How to play local co-op?
In order to play Local Co-Op mode in The Quarry, you need to first open the Couch Co-Op mode from the main menu of the game. Note that all the controllers need to be connected to the same console that you are going to use. You need to then click on the option named “add player” visible on the screen in front of you. You have to do this for every controller connected at the very moment. After doing this, you need to assign an individual character to each of the players playing The Quarry with you.
After following all the above-mentioned steps properly you get a prompt to start the game. Once the individually assigned characters will be visible to you, your character will be able to deal with all the decision-making activities related to that particular character.
So, this was all about how to play Local Co-Op in The Quarry. Keep following DigiStatement for all the latest gaming-related updates.