RGB Fusion users have been facing the issue of RAM Not Detected. A major factor behind this is how the G.skill Trident Z series has RGB memory modules that do not go with the RGB Fusion. But there are ways through which you can fix the RAM Not Detected issue of RGB Fusion 2.0. In this article, we share a detailed instructional guide on how to solve this error.
To begin with, you need to have the Revo Uninstaller Pro. This software can help you uninstalling programs and additionally removes any files. It also removes the Windows registry entries left behind by the program’s uninstaller or sometimes, even by the Windows default inbuilt uninstall function.
Henceforth, start the Revo Uninstaller Pro. As the software opens up, you will see a search bar on the top left. From here, search for RGB Fusion. This will bring the RGB Fusion under the Programs category. Right-click on RGB Fusion, and you will see the Uninstall option. Before you uninstall the whole programme, make sure to uncheck the following options:
Make a System Restore Point before Uninstall
Create a full Registry Backup before uninstall
Click on continue, go for a complete uninstallation, and delete all leftover files, folders, and registry items. Finish the uninstallation and open your browser.
RGB Fusion 2.0: Fixing RAM Not Detected Problem
Open your internet browser. Head to GIGABYTE’s website and get the RGB Fusion 2.0 downloaded from here. This would come in the form of a ZIP File. Post download, access the RGB Fusion’s folder. To do the same, open your primary drive (C: drive in general). From there, follow this route.
C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGABYTE\RGBFusion
- After reaching the RGBFusion folder, find the RGBFusion.exe file.
- Right-click on the RGBFusion.exe file and access the drop-down menu. Choose Properties
- When Properties open up, look out for the Compatibility tab on top.
- Upon selected Compatibility, you will see a button towards the end called Change settings for all users.
- Click on this and tick-mark/select Run the program as an administrator. Click on Apply to make the changes.
- Select OK and close Properties.
Post this process, shut down your computer. After shutting down, remove the power cord from your CPU. Connect it back again post 40 to 60 mins. This helps in resetting the RGB Controlling Chipsets back to default. This would help in fixing the RAM Not Detected issue. For more PC-related content, head here.