It is very important to save your in-game progress when you’re playing a game like Resident Evil 4 Remake. Generally, most video games allow you to hit escape and then make a manual save. Other titles have an auto-save feature that triggers at regular intervals. But, things are a little different with this game. Well, if you are also looking for this information, then you have come to the right place.
Resident Evil is a very popular franchise. It has been scaring the players for a long time now. The franchise has also received a lot of remakes and Resident Evil 4 is the next one on the list. Although the game has not yet rolled out (at the time of writing this article), you can still download and play the demo version. This will allow you to get the feel of the game and check if you wish to spend your money on the full game or not. Now, folks who have started exploring the game’s world in the Demo version are wondering how to make a manual save. Well, let us help you out with this problem.
| Also read: Resident Evil 4 Remake best settings for high FPS and low input lag.
Resident Evil 4 Remake: How to save in-game progress?
As we said before, things are a little different in Resident Evil 4 Remake. The devs at Capcom have implemented several new features which include a new way to save the in-game progress. Well, if you are wondering how to do so, then you will first need to look for a typewriter. Yes, you will need to interact with the typewriter scattered across the game’s world in order to make a manual save in Resident Evil 4 Remake. But, you will not find this item at every location. So, you will need to be careful when you explore a new location or before you enter a dangerous area.
This is because if you die, you will need to load your game from the previous checkpoint. Now, what about the Demo version of the game? Can you save the in-game progress using the same method? Unfortunately, this is not the case. Folks playing the demo version of the game will need to rely on the auto-save feature. There are two places where the game will make an autosave- the Hunter’s Lodge and the village entrance. Players will be able to enjoy the full version of the game from 24 March 2023. Well, this brings us to the end of the article. Stay tuned to Digi Statement for more such gaming guides.