Capturing a shiny Pokémon is a magical moment in the life of any trainer. This special kind of little monster usually takes a long time to appear before our eyes, so many players often spend hours and hours searching endlessly for the rare version of their favorite Pokemon.
Well, Nintendo explained through its official website what the odds are on Pokemon Sword & Shield and what coaches can do to improve their odds.
Finding and battling a Pokemon of the same species will increase your chances of finding a brilliant version – which, as the name suggests, is more radiant than usual and has special abilities and powerful attributes. But continuing to battle with the same type will increase Shiny’s chances from 50 battles.
SEE ALSO: Pokemon Sword & Shield: When & at which levels starter Pokemon evolve
Pokemon Sword & Shield: How to increase chances of shiny
Nintendo released a little table that helps players understand how players can increase their chances of Sinny. Check it out below.
- At least one battle: shiny type Pokémon may already appear
- At least 20 battles: Brilliant type Pokémon 1.3 times more likely to appear
- At least 50 battles: Brilliant Pokémon is 1.6 times more likely to appear, Shiny 2 times more likely to appear
- At least 100 battles: Brilliant Pokémon 2 times more likely to appear, Shiny 3 times more likely to appear
- At least 200 battles: Shiny type Pokémon 4 times more likely to appear
- At least 300 battles: Shiny type Pokémon 5 times more likely to appear
- At least 400 battles: Shiny type Pokémon 6 times more likely to appear