Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (SV) has tons of different bosses and Professor Clavell is one of them. You will face this character in the Starfall Street storyline. Professor Clavell is the director of the Naranja/Uva Academy. He also carries some pretty high-level pokemon in his deck. Also, a lot of his pokemon change according to which pokemon you picked as a starter. All this can easily get confusing. So below, we have compiled all the important information that you need in order to defeat Professor Clavell. This data will come in handy if you are about to face this trainer.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (SV) has tons of characters but not all of them will give you a tough battle. The vast map of Paldea has tons of challenges for the players. This includes both pokemon bosses as well as trainers. The three storylines also ensure that there are plenty of hard challenges to overcome. Professor Clavell is also one of the hardest bosses you will face in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (SV). So, you will need to prepare a lot before battling this character. Below, we have all the information that you need about Professor Clavell in Pokemon SV.
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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (SV): How to Beat Professor Clavell & Best Pokemon to use?
Unlike most other bosses in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (SV), Professor Clavell does not have a pokemon type specialty. This makes him very dangerous as you cannot focus on just one counter. Although his pokemon deck depends on what you pick as a starter, Clavell will always have these three pokemon in his deck- Oranguru (Normal and Psychic-type), Polteageist (Ghost-type), Abomasnow (Ice and Grass-type). Other than these, his deck varies according to your starter. So, if you picked Sprigatito, then Clavell will have Gyarados, Amoonguss, and Skeledirge in the deck.
On the other hand, if you picked Fuecoco, then he will carry Houndoom, Amoonguss, and Quaquaval. And, if you have Quaxly, then Clavell will have Houndoom, Gyarados, and Meowscarada in the deck. So, the best pokemon you can use against Professor Clavell are Baxcalibur, Bisharp, and Skeledirge. Note that you should level up your pokemon to around or above level 60 in order to achieve an easy victory. With proper planning, defeating him won’t be that hard. Well, this brings us to the end of this article. We hope that you found it helpful. Stay tuned to Digi Statement, and happy gaming.