A new update is currently rolling out for Pokemon Go. The new patch is coming along with version 0.173.0. It has brought a lot of quality of life improvements for the game. If you haven’t received the update for your device, you can download it from the Apk mirror.
Pokemon Go update 0.173.0 has brought back the keyboard edits. Also, with the new patch, players can mass transfer Pokemon. The new patch update, also shows the opponent’s type in the top right section of battles, allowing you to see what type they are before the switch animation ends.
One of the most prominent Pokemon Go leakers, “Pokeminers”, has data-mined the latest Apk 0.173.0 & has revealed all the new features in their Apk tear down. According to them, the game code of the new update mentions about XL Candy. It appears to be a new type of Candy, & the code suggests that you will get it from hatching eggs. Most likely reduced candy is required if you use XL Candy.
Pokemon Go update 0.173.0 also has a code related to Bulk Power Up. It will show total dust & Candy Cost. You can check all the data mined info & upcoming new features down below.
Pokemon Go update 0.173.0 Breakdown By Pokeminers
Size: 99.2MB (Bigger by 2.6MB)
- Generation Badges Added for Gens 6-8
- Remote Raiding
- Daily Research
- Incense Quest and Retention Items
- Item Stacking
- Bulk Power Up
- Costume Transfer
- XL Candy
- More Additions to Shadow Eggs
- Several PVP and Battling Improvements and PVPDebuger added
- Incense Bundles
- Game Master is Back (and can be delta downloaded)
- Poseidon – Anti Addiction service
- Tons of QOL and Telemetry updates
New Gens
The next three Gens had their badges added. Just place holders and could mean anything really. We’ll have to watch for when new mons are added to really get hyped.
Remote Raiding
As announced there is a lot about Remote Raiding in this update (minus the actual image of it for some reason). As announced, you’ll need a remote raid pass.
RaidClientSettingsProto .get_RemoteRaidEnabled .set_RemoteRaidEnabled .get_MaxRemoteRaidPasses .set_MaxRemoteRaidPasses RemoteRaidEnabledFieldNumber remoteRaidEnabled_ MaxRemoteRaidPassesFieldNumber maxRemoteRaidPasses_ RemoteRaidEnabled MaxRemoteRaidPasses
Remote raiding can be enabled from the server or disabled like other features in the game so it’s not live yet. They can also change the max number of remote raid passes you can store.
.get_RemoteInteractionRangeMeters .set_RemoteInteractionRangeMeters
They can now change the remote interaction range, server-side now. This might help fix the Pokestop issue but nice to see they have better support for it.
Daily Research
Quests_claim_field_research_first daily_research_title quests_claim_time_limited_quest_encounter_first IsTimeLimitedQuest HasClaimableSubTask TIMED_STORY_QUEST
Daily research is coming as we know, and you’ll be able to do one a day. There is also code in here about sub-tasks and timed story quests (special research) which we have seen before but nice to see it expanded on.
Incense Quest
As we found in the texts previously, there will be an incense quest most likely to go along with Incense Day.
Also found in the texts previously, some retention notifications and incentives.
Item Stacking
As announced, stacking of buff items like lucky eggs and star pieces are in this update.
Bulk Power Up
pokemon_info_powerup_confirmation_2 bulk_upgrade_button_cannot_be_used _bulkUpgradeDialogPrefab get_BulkUpgradeEnabled BulkUpgradesCost .get_PokemonCp .set_PokemonCp .get_TotalStardustCost .set_TotalStardustCost .get_TotalCandyCost .set_TotalCandyCost .get_TotalCpMultiplier .set_TotalCpMultiplier .get_NumberOfUpgrades .set_NumberOfUpgrades .get_PokemonCurrentCp .set_PokemonCurrentCp
Bulk power-up is finally here! We knew it was coming for a while in the texts, but there is a lot of code here to support it.
It will show total dust and candy cost, and power mons up for you which is nice.
IBulkUpgradeConfirmationDialog IBulkUpgradeConfirmationDialogFactory BulkUpgradeConfirmationDialog OnUpdateValue CanUpgrade UpdateStardust UpdateCandy AreYouReallySure NoButtonForYou stardustText candyCostText finalPanel finalPanelText pauseTimeWhenReachingMaxUpgrade leaugeUpgradeWarningColor _isLucky _candyCount _stardustCount _finalConfirmationTriggered MessageBuilder PreviewPowerUp UpgradeProto FirstIndex
Looks like we’ll get a double confirmation for this (which is safe!) to confirm if we really want to bulk upgrade. It will also confirm if you can bulk upgrade to the level you want, previews it, and warns you if you are about to go over a Great or Ultra League cap.
Event Mon Transfer
As reported you can finally transfer costume Pokemon!
XL Candy
get_XlCandyAwarded .get_TotalXlCandyCost .set_TotalXlCandyCost
XL Candy appears to be a new type of candy that you can receive. The code suggests you will get it from hatching eggs and XL Candy has a separate cost than regular candy. Most likely reduced candy is required if you use XL Candy but we’ll have to see.
More Shadow Eggs Fields Added
We found this before, but a new item type was added for this.
PVP Improvements
super_effective not_very_effective add_OnNormalEffectiveOutcomeEvent remove_OnNormalEffectiveOutcomeEvent add_OnSuperEffectiveOutcomeEvent remove_OnSuperEffectiveOutcomeEvent add_OnNotVeryEffectiveOutcomeEvent remove_OnNotVeryEffectiveOutcomeEvent
As reported and announced, tons of updates to PVP and battling. Showing super effective and not effective status, for example, can be seen here.
AttackOutcomeCallout ClearAttackOutcome isChargeAttack SetOpponentAttack showText FlashOutcome FlashSuperEffectiveOutcome FlashNotVeryEffectiveOutcome FlashNormalEffectiveOutcome FlashLastAttackOutcome effectiveParams isInterrupt FlashEffectiveVFX FlashAttackEffectivenessText showSuperEffective showNotVeryEffective imageSuperEffectiveFlash imageHealthFrame imageHealthBackground textAttackOutcomeFlash outlineAttackOutcomeFlash textGradient attackOutcomeTextDuration accelerateTextTimeScalar canvasNameplate normalEffectiveParams superEffectiveFastParams superEffectiveChargeParams notEffectiveParams lastAttackOutcome lastAttackIsCharge promiseEffectsAnimation promiseTextAnimation lastAttackOutcomeWithText accelerateTextTime
The effects related to showing animations for effective or not animations.
shieldsNum ActivateShield
There were also some updates to the shield calls and number of shields. Perhaps a fix for the 3 shield bug?
PVP Maintenance
gbl_down gbl_down_soon Waiting {0} seconds to show initial outage message Show pending warning for {0} seconds server_maintenance_warning Waiting {0} seconds to shut down show outage screen CheckPlannedOutage don’t show outage screen GetPlayer failed with status Checking planned outage GetPlayer attempt failed – don’t continue. GetPlayer attempt succeeded – login complete.
As found in the texts, here is some more evidence to have the game display warnings and alerts before GBL goes down, when it’s down, and when it will come back.
There are also general login and game maintenance periods as well, where it will reject logging in the user. We also found several states for distant, pending, imminent, and down.
IPvpDebugger .get_ShouldDebug .set_ShouldDebug .get_WebsocketSuccesses .set_WebsocketSuccesses .get_WebsocketNulls .set_WebsocketNulls .get_WebsocketOutOfOrders .set_WebsocketOutOfOrders .get_WeakConnections .set_WeakConnections .get_SpinningConnections .set_SpinningConnections .get_AveragePingMs BuildDebugString ShouldDebug WebsocketSuccesses WebsocketNulls WebsocketOutOfOrders WeakConnections SpinningConnections AveragePingMs PvpDebugger .set_AveragePingMs serverService .<ShouldDebug>k__BackingField .<WebsocketSuccesses>k__BackingField .<WebsocketNulls>k__BackingField .<WebsocketOutOfOrders>k__BackingField .<WeakConnections>k__BackingField .<SpinningConnections>k__BackingField .<AveragePingMs>k__BackingField debugIndex
Lots of debugging functions and objects here. They seem to be making a more active effort at trying to figure out what the GBL issues are, and send that back to the server to try to improve the GBL experience. Hopefully, this leads to a more stable experience!
LOL. Okay.
Incense Bundles
Assets BundleIncense items_incense incenseordinary incenseordinary.4 incenseordinary.8 incenseordinary.25 get_IsCustomIncenseSpawnActive
Incense bundles most likely for the new incense bundle found and separating the current incense into bundles. Looks like it is called a Custom Incense (at least in the code).
No Egg Notification
When you don’t have any eggs hatching, you’ll be reminded.
Return of the Game Master
Load remote config cache from disk: GAME_MASTER .{0}Loading text from canary fileMissingParsing config cache from disk .: GAME_MASTERCached GMT is corrupt! Purging itRequesting incremental update .: GAME_MASTERApplying incremental update .: GAME_MASTERApplied incremental update .: GAME_MASTER – contains invalid data!!!Scan for device
Exciting stuff! The Game Master is now saved back to the phone again! Fantastic!
It also looks like they are doing what we suspected they might, where they only will need to download parts of the Game Master as needed (delta updates). So the Game Master is referenced is saved on the phone, and only the updates parts are actually downloaded instead of re-downloading the whole thing again. This should save on data and wifi bandwidth when starting up the game.
Buddy Improvements
via EnsureOffMapSpawning on map via EnsureOnMapEarned BUDDY_REMOTE_GIFT
More checks to make sure the buddy is on the map to award hearts, in addition to the remote gifting feature we found and was announced.
Mystery Reward Handling
.get_MysteryRewardCount Getting reward count for a non-mystery reward
Most likely for PVP, and the ability to give out more than one mystery item at a time.
Inventory Handling
.get_IgnoreInventorySpace .set_IgnoreInventorySpace IgnoreInventorySpace
An option for them to ignore your inventory space for certain situations. Not sure what they will use this for yet, but it could be for deciding if certain items take up space or not.
PTC Log In Improvements
Several background changes to the authentication, PTC login seems to have received a small overhaul in the background.
bubbleConfig AwardBubbleConfig DelaySec LifetimeOverrideSec LastBubblePopped IsAdditive
Some minor changes to the way bubbles appear from stops for example and better tracking of the state of the different bubble pops.
Poseidon – Anti Addiction
AntiAddictionEnterReflection Holoholo.Rpc.Poseidon.AntiAddiction
Fear Poseidon! Or rather don’t get too addicted? Not sure what these will actually entail but they are working on something to help with addiction of the game.
New code for Monodepth was added, the library for depth estimation and occlusion, most likely for Android AR occlusion. You can see their repo here – https://github.com/nianticlabs/monodepth2
Telemetry Improvements
User opted out
Lots of telemetry improvements in this update (too many to post all) but here are some highlights including the option to opt-out of them (we think).
Additional reporting back about stops and Gym interactions.
.set_TotalBatchSize .get_TotalEnvelopeSize .set_TotalEnvelopeSize .set_TotalEnvelopeMetricsCount .get_TotalEnvelopeEventsCount .set_TotalEnvelopeEventsCount .get_DiskUploadNeeded .set_DiskUploadNeeded
Uploading Telemetry data back to Niantic. There have been several other fields about saving it to disk, caching it, filling a buffer, etc as well. Looks like they are more frequently reviewing them.
Snitch Logging
AddSnitchLog AddSnitchMarker BeginTrace WasPlayerBad snitchPort
Snitches get logged. Or something. We aren’t sure what counts as a Snitch or if this is a Harry Potter reference haha (it probably isn’t).
Parrot and Pencil
ParrotReflection PencilReflection
Gotta have your Parrots and Pencils. If they don’t reflect what’s the point of even having them in the first place?
Seriously though… No idea what this is haha.