One Piece is the most successful shonen series that has many anime & video game adaptations and One Piece Odyssey is one of them. If you crave the adventures of Luffy, the famous Pirate, and the goodness of JRPG gameplay, then this title is worth the price it comes with. The PC version in particular is the most preferred one for enjoying the game for many reasons like unlocked framerates, higher resolution & controller support. Likewise, those who own ultrawide monitors are wondering whether they’ll be able to play this in ultrawide resolution. We’ve put together all details regarding that. Continue reading the article to know more about One Piece Odyssey and if it offers ultrawide support.
Does One Piece Odyssey offer Ultrawide support officially?
Sadly, One Piece Odyssey doesn’t offer native ultrawide support and this has been the case for most JRPGs. Many are upset because of this move from Bandai Namco that they don’t bother to add an ultrawide feature, especially in the PC port. Thankfully there is an unofficial way that you can implement Ultrawide support to One Piece Odyssey using a handy tool called Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker. Follow the steps below for the same.
- First, head here and download the Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker. Now, extract all the contents.
- Next, open the uuuClient.exe in Administrator mode if you running One Piece Odyssey in admin mode as well. Click on “Select” to select the game process that’ll inject the .dll into it.
- Select One Piece Odyssey from the list and click on the “Inject dll” button.
- Once the .dll injection process is successfully completed, you be able to access many UUUClient GUI tabs.
- Now, bring up the console by pressing the “`” key. If it doesn’t launch, head to the configuration tab in UUEClient and assign a key you don’t use in the game.
- Lastly, enter the FOV to a high value(120 or more). Depending on your monitor and the resolution it supports, you’ll have to enter the value. Google is your best friend for finding the correct FOV.
Note: If you’re unable to access the console, head to the game folder and enter the following line in the Input.ini file after opening it with Notepad-
“c:\Users\<*username*>\AppData\Local\BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment\Tales of Arise\Config\WindowsNoEditor)[/Script/Engine.InputSettings] ConsoleKey=Slash”. Now, save the changes and then try accessing the console.
Simple method
If you prefer to implement widescreen without going through complicated measures, you can use the Flawlesswidescreen tool. Simply download it and select One Piece Odyssey from the list of plugins. Run the app before launching the game and that’s it. The changes will take effect and you don’t have to change anything like FOV or tweak multiple settings.
We hope that you enjoyed reading this article. Stay tuned for more updates about One Piece Odyssey, guides, news, and more at Digistatement.