Most of you who are reading this article must have played a multiplayer game with your friends. Playing a game with friends is always a fun activity to do. Monster Hunter Rise was released in March 2021 for Nintendo Switch and recently, it has got released for the PC platform also. Just like we guided you about the problems of Monster Rise PC before, in this article, we will guide you on how you can play the multiplayer mode in this game with your friends. If you also want to know how it’s done, continue reading this article till the end.
Before heading to our guide, let’s discuss briefly about Monster Hunter Rise on PC. Moster Hunt Rise is the latest installment in the world-famous Monster Hunt series. In this game, you assume the role of a Hunter who has to fight lethal monsters with the help of a wide variety of weapons. This game features all-new maps with an original storyline and 14 types of weapons. Coming back to the main topic, here is everything you need to know about playing multiplayer mode in Monster Hunter Rise PC.
Monster Hunt Rise PC Multiplayer Mode
Monster Hunt Rise features an online multiplayer co-op mode in which you can play along with your friends. The game mode that supports co-op gameplay is called “Hub Quests” in the game. Now, there is a unique mechanism in Monster Hunt Rise in which the level of difficulty is directly proportional to the number of players playing the game. For instance, if you are playing Hub Quest alone, you’ll be facing the easiest level of the quest. But if you are playing Hub Quest mode with 3 other friends, you’ll face the most difficult level of it. Overall, there are 4 levels of difficulty in this mode starting from single-player up to four players.
Now that we have discussed enough about the Multiplayer mode, let’s talk about how you can start playing it. There are a total of two methods by which you can play Hub Quests. The first is the easier one in which you gather in a lobby of up to 4 players and start a quest using a Quest Board at the Gathering Hub.
The second method is quite unique in which you play this mode by responding to the join requests or participating in the quests that are already running. In this method, the quest host can invite the players through an online feature by sending them a “Join Request” while being on a quest. The player who wants to join an ongoing quest has to respond to that Join Request to join it. The quest host can also invite other players by selecting “Accept via Join Request” when taking a quest.
To connect to a particular player in this game, you can use the feature called “Hunter Connect”. It allows you to add optional tags to match with other players. You can also design a unique tag and ask your friends to have the same tag to connect with them.
So, this was everything about playing the multiplayer mode in Monster Hunter Rise PC. If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends.