The Minecraft Realms replace feature not working error can prevent you from accessing Minecraft Realms altogether, meaning you or one of your friends’ money being wasted due to an annoying error. Do not worry though, we got y’all’s back. Make sure to follow closely for the best chances of fixing this error. Let’s get into it.
Firstly, launch your game and click on Play. In the menu that pops up, under the Worlds tab, look for your Realm. Click on the pencil edit icon next to it. In the settings screen that pops up, look on the left-hand side and find the subscriptions tab. In this section, click on the option called “Close Realm”. Once you have done this, try to choose a world to replace that has a size of around 50 MB or lower. This is because the fix in this article is guaranteed only for worlds that are of this size or lower. A larger world may still work, but with less effectiveness. Click on the Pencil edit icon next to your realm again and click on replace world from the initial menu that pops up. Now, from the new window that appears, choose the world you would like to replace it with. Wait for the process to complete and click on Let’s Go! Once this is done, yet again, click on the pencil icon next to the new realm and look for the Subscriptions tab. Here, click on Open Realm and wait for the realm to reopen. Once this is done, go back to the Worlds menu and click on the realm to load into it. Wait for a bit since this may take a while. Once the loading is complete, you should now be able to use the world you replaced it with on this Realm! Enjoy.