Lost in Space is an American science fiction which is a family drama based series. It premiered on April 13, 2019. This series is a reimagining of the 1965 series of a family of space colonists whose spaceship gets lost. This is where the whole series revolves around how and what the family does in order to save themselves and get back home as they are stuck in space. They go through lots of challenges and the best part is that the family stays together. This show is produced by Legendary Television and is developed by Matt Sazama and Burk sharpeers. It is created by Irwin Allen.
Well, the first season won many hearts because of its interesting and mind-blowing story. There was something new for the audience which they have not watched till then. The second season premiered on 24th December 2019.
Expected release date (in the year 2020 or 2021) for season 3:: lost in space
So as soon as any new season starts of any of the Netflix shows they are the first ones to inform about the date for its launch but yet now there is no such news that has come from them so far. Not even the makers have made any such move. Season 2 was released in December and all the ten episodes were released on the very same day.
Season 3 will come for sure and we can say till now that it will possibly air by the end of 2020 or maybe in early 2021.
What can we expect from the story plot of Lost in Space season 3
If we talk about season 2 it ended with Cliffhanger which means there will be lots of twists and certain interesting things that are going to happen which will be quite cool to watch. The wait for the season will be worth watching. Season 2 ended with a climax gas inducer which separates Robinson’s family and it surprised the public.
So now hopefully we can expect that season 3 will most probably revolve around the consequences of parents and the separation of children. This season may focus on how children can survive in this world without the guidance of parents. How will they plot all this? We don’t know anything about it but we are sure that it will be worth watching and we are going to witness something really interesting. So let’s wait for the final confirmation from the makers and team. We will keep you updated.