Lost Ark has a fair amount of features that can benefit a player in their progression and continues to stand above other MMORPGs. If you’re hoping to invest in your character and want to raise their stats to take part in higher difficulty quests or enroll in a party, having the knowledge of Powerpass is very vital and it can make things easier for you. Wondering what is the use of Powerpass in Lost Ark? We’ve explained it thoroughly in this article about its nature and how you can get it. Continue reading the article to know more.
What is Powerpass in Lost Ark?
Powerpass is one of the mediums in the game that can allow you to boost your character’s stats to level 50. It is one of the convenient methods the game offers if you don’t wish to spend countless hours grinding your character’s level. Lost Ark even rewards players with two Powerpass in the game so you can get started and this is beneficial for those who are new to the game. Now that you have a good idea of what it does, the question is how one can acquire more Powepass? Below we have listed every method that you can use to have more of them.
How to get Powerpass in the game?
If you want to find out which character suits your playstyle in Lost Ark, having Powerpass can be a boon for you. To obtain Powerpass, you need to complete the game’s main story quest through North Vern on your first character. You have to do blue world quests through the continent until you come across the specific one called Ealyn’s Gift.
If you manage to complete it, you’ll receive a North Vern Powerpass token through in-game mail. Accept it and then open your inventory to activate it. After that, you’ll be able to use it in the character select menu. Once you use the first Powrpass, the game will send you the second one in the mail after completing the Adventurer path’s process.
How to use it in the game?
Using Powerpass in Lost Ark can be puzzling for newer players as it isn’t available as soon as you create a character. Once you’re done creating your character, select launch and touch the Tome of Prophecy in the Trixion tutorial area, select your advanced class, and in the character select menu, you’ll be able to use Powepass on your character by clicking on the icon above it. Hit the Powerpass button to the right to start the Adventurer’s path.
Once you’ve got past all the cutscenes and dialogs and if you decide on playing every section, it’ll take you at least 30 minutes. After that, your character will be transported to Vern at level 50. You can, however, choose to skip every section but you’ll miss out on item rewards so it’s entirely up to you.
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