We have been covering the all the patch notes on PBE for 10.16 on this post. But this post is focused solely on the upcoming balance changes that once again lead gameplay designer Mark Yetter has provided us on twitter. It is gonna be a mayhem as the LCS Summer 2020 Playoffs are closing in, devs are making things more balanced at the top tier. Riot is trying to shift the meta in pro games.
This patch is also quite long with a lot to pack into in 10.16. We have got 2 new champions, Nexus Blitz, the Spirit Blossom Event and quite a long list of changes.
League of Legends Patch 10.16 Nerfs
10.16 Patch Preview with changes:
Not 100% final, but getting close. We have a good meta, so a lot of small changes is our approach to diversify without destroying it. pic.twitter.com/lVHTXdTu10
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) July 28, 2020
- Q: Movement Speed from 15-35% >>> 10-26%
- Q: Damage: 70-230 >>> 70-210
Nocturne Mid
- P: Cooldown: 10 >>> 14
- Basic attacks against monsters and champs refund: 2 >>> 3s
- Q: AP ratio: 35 >>> 30%
- Q: Isolation bonus damage: 120% >>> 110% total AD
- W: Damage: 80-180 >>> 80-160
- E:Damage: 50-170 >>> 50-130
- Q: Mana cost: 50-70 >>> 65, Cooldown: 7-5 >>> 9-7s
- Q: Attack speed: 20-60 >>> 20-40%
- Base stats-HP: 575 >>> 560
- W: Full power heal: 70-230 >>> 55-215
- W: Shield base: 60-100 >>> 45-85
League of Legends Patch 10.16 Nerf Buffs Preview
- P: AP ratio: 30-50 >>> 50% ,Damage to towers: 200 >>> 250%
- E: Damage type: Pysical >>> Magical
- Q : Initial damage: 70-250 >>> 80-260, Bloom damage: 35-115 >>> 45-125
- Base stats-MR: 30 >>> 32
- Base stats-MR: 30 >>> 32
- R: Bonus AD ratio: 150 >>> 175%
- Q: Cooldown: 16-8 >>> 13-6s, Refund on hitting enemy: 60% >>> 50%
- E: Cooldown: 16-8 >>> 14-8
Evelynn (lane flex)
- Q: Cooldown: 8 >>> 4s
- [REMOVED] Refunds 50% of it’s cooldown when it hits a monster
- E: Movement speed: 25-75% >>> 25-100% over 3 seconds
- Q: Mana cost: 15 >>> 10
- Total AD ratio: 0.15 >>> 0.2
- E: [NEW] Damage is increased by 1% per 2% crit chance
- Q: Damage: 85-225 >>> 95-235
- R: Shots: 20-30 >>> 24-36
Miss Fortune
- Base stats– AD: 50 >>> 52
- Q: Cooldown: 11 >>> 10s
- R: Movement speed: 50 >>> 75%
Yetter has stated that these changes are not final. “We have a good meta so a lot of the small changes is to diversify without destroying anything.”
The Evelyn lane flex and especially the Fiora buff can be interesting to deal with though. Some players are agreeing that buffing Fiora and Yasuo is borderline overpowered. Also Akali’s buff theoretically feels more like a nerf as she directly relies on physical to scale in the mid to late game.