As usual, Mark Yetter brings us the progress of the following patches. In this case, it gives us some first details of the changes to the mid-lane that are planned with the arrival of patch 10.13.
And it does not seem that they will go unnoticed, because these are changes focused on managing the waves. There has been a lot of talks lately about the single lines experience following changes to previous patches. With this Riot wants to reduce roaming and clear.
Testing Mid lane 10.13:
-Mid lane spawns a cannon every 3 >>> 4 waves for the first 15 min (after it’s normal)
-Mid minions move slightly slower to the lane (reducing clear and roam potential)Still evaluating these. The goal is to bring mid economy back to s9 level not below.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 9, 2020
Changes to the waves of minions 10.13
The first of the changes to the mid-lane of patch 10.13 is focused on the respawn of the minions, specifically. With these notes, the cannon minion appears every 4 waves instead of 3 during the first 15 minutes.
Central lane minions move slightly slower towards the line, thus seeking to reduce the constant cleaning of waves and the potential for roaming that some mid laners have to move to the sidelines and have an impact.
A priori, it might seem like changes prone to what Riot is looking for, that of economizing more the line so that the champions move less during the early game, or that are consistent with what they lose by preferring a gank.
Currently waves meet mid at around X:00 and X:30 of every minute, while side lanes they meet at around X:10 and X:40.
This gives mid a 10 second head-start to roam. Letting them clear their own wave, then reach the side wave when the wave is big and people are going in to last hit melee minions.
No more head-start means arriving at a less volatile point in the wave, means it’s easier for the enemy to back off, and harder to get a kill.
However, several voices have already come out that do not agree too much. What’s more, several agree that this favours roaming even more, because if the minions move slowly towards the line, there is a time similar to or greater than before.
Seems like really shitty changes if i understood it right, hope they dont go through.
— Jørgen Elgåen (@HatrixxLoL) June 9, 2020
What’s more, others like EMPYRE do not hesitate to point out that these changes could be the worst in terms of the game system.
Testing Mid lane 10.13:
-Mid lane spawns a cannon every 3 >>> 4 waves for the first 15 min (after it’s normal)
-Mid minions move slightly slower to the lane (reducing clear and roam potential)Still evaluating these. The goal is to bring mid economy back to s9 level not below.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 9, 2020