Vandiril is famous for presenting interesting interactions and bugs in the game. This time, he posted a video that revealed a bug with the Dragon Cloud Drake.
This bug has been present on servers possibly since last year’s map update, which introduced elemental rifts and changed the behavior of dragons. It concerns the sky dragon, which provides the ultimate cooldown reduction for the team that kills him.
Cloud Drake Bug in League of Legends (Lol)
Vandiril explained that this dragon sometimes does not provide a level 1 buff. First, it is important to remember its effect to better understand the interaction error it has: it grants a 10% cooldown on the ultimate of each champion per stack, skipping the cdr cap.
Therefore, up to a total of 40% is what can be obtained. However, certain ultimates whose duration lasts several seconds in time are not affected by this effect while they are running. That is, if a cloud dragon is killed while the ultimate of one of the champions is active, that ability is not affected by the stack bonus until it can be used again.
This happens when he is killed while the character is currently using the Ultimate ability. The following heroes are definitely affected:
- Annie,
- Draven,
- Ivern,
- LeBlanc,
- Lucian,
- Mordekaiser,
- Shaco,
- Silas,
- Tahm Kench,
- Taliyah,
- Voucher,
- Twisted Fate,
- Urgot,
- Wukong,
- Zed.
The player Vandiril talks about in the video has not tested it with all the characters in the game, only with several that he lists.
Such a bug, of course, does not occur if the ability is already on cooldown while the dragon is being killed, or if it can still be used. Therefore, it affects only the last active during the buff. But it does not affect those champions whose skills need to charge before using them (eg Jhin, Karthus, Vel’Koz). It also does not affect characters such as Aatrox, Ahri, Akali, Anivia, Heimerdinger, Janna, Jarvan IV, Kalista, Karma, Katarina, Master Yi, Ornn, Rammus, Swain, Vayne.
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