The Last Kingdom series is a British historical fiction T.V series which is based on Bernard Cornwell’s The Saxon Stories novels with each season following the events of two books. This series premiered on 10th October 2015. This story deals with a Saxon boy who is brought up by Danes, they capture him and also decide to raise him as their own son. But as the story continues it is seen that Untred betrayed and The Danes come to believe that he killed his adopted father which is quite disturbing for him. And it is also seen that United is forced to travel to Wessex, this is the only kingdom from the seven kingdoms which is not in control of Danish.
The story of this series is quite strong with the plot but it is a bit confusing because there is a lot to understand and we have to watch each scene with full concentration in order to make things clear ahead.
Last Kingdom Season 4 Release Date :
When we talk about the previous seasons, this series has successfully completed its last 3 seasons. Well, we don’t have the exact date of release for season 4 but it is definitely sometime in 2020 itself. The wait is just for the month in which it is going to come and also no new trailer has been launched by the makers.
Expected story plot for season 4 and cast :
This season it is said that The Pagan Lord, which was published in 2013 and the next book is likely to be adapted for the series story ahead and it is likely to jump a decade. It is also believed that if and only if Netflix adheres to the timeline, then it will have a fresh batch of few young actors which will include. United’s children by Gisela. And all of them in the book are all grown up.
Talking about the cast we will see that Alexander Dreymon is all set again to return as Uhtred of Bebbanburg and with all the alliance between the kingdoms. He feels now the time is absolutely right to challenge his uncle Aelfric played by Joseph Millson. So Netflix has confirmed that the cast will mostly remain the same except for a few new additions.
Stay tuned !!