Kingdom Chapter 638 is just around the corner, and raw scans spoilers have already been leaked online. A Reddit user Jeeswag has posted a brief summary on the Kingdom Reddit channel. Check out the spoilers below:
Ousen asks Shouheikun for a favor and asks for just him to hear it. Ousen tells him that even if they were to take Gyou the problem near that time will be starvation. So-
The Yotanwa army gets a message via bird saying Ousen has taken Gyou. Ponan explains to Heki that despite taking Gyou the Qin army has no food left and there weren’t any food left in Gyou. Heki says they should send any food they can to them but Yotanwa says it’s useless because of the Zhao forces in between. She says the only way for Gyou to get any food is through the water.
Kaioku checks the Qin navy and sees that it’s completely annihilated. Shinsuijuu also sees it and believes that’s the end of the Qin’s attempt at taking Gyou and keeping it.
The HSU is starving and one soldier is upset because despite Shousa-san giving his life for them the battle would end in them starving in Gyou. Kanto apologizes to Shousa saying it’s the end.
Riboku suddenly has a thought and asks the carriage to stop. He says that he forgot something and asks to turn back to Gyou. The soldiers say they can’t turn the cart around so Riboku asks to at least send a message via horse to Kaine to tell her.
Bihei and the soldiers hear a sound of the gate opening. They make guesses at what it is until the door on their side opens too. They head over and sees a large carriage of supplies coming in. The soldier on the carriage says to move since they can’t get through and tells them to prepare for dinner. They all cry/cheer. Riboku’s army sees the supplies going into Gyou and tries to figure out where they came from. One of the soldiers says the supplies came through the water and got transported to Gyou. When Kaine asks if they got through the Zhao navy the soldier replies the supplies didn’t come from that direction.
Ousen: If we are starving in Gyou the only way to receive supplies is through the water.
Shouheikun: …I am of the same thought. Riboku will most likely think the same thing.
Ousen: Yeah, so, send it through the “other side.”
Shouheikun: What did you just…
Ousen: Fu
The Zhao soldier says the supplies came from the Qi navy.
The Qi king receives the message that Gyou has received the supplies. He says there was nothing he could do since Qin paid twice the price for the supplies they sent and since the supplies are sold they should deliver it properly.
No break next week, Kingdom Chapter 638 is releasing this Thursday, April 9,2020.