The Monkey Island franchise is back with its newest installment- Return to Monkey Island. This one brings back old fan-favorite characters. And now that the wait has been so long, the stakes are higher than ever. Guybrush Threepwood is back. He is about to go on his biggest adventure and take on his pirate nemesis LeChuck. Other favorites like Guybrush’s lover Elaine will also be returning. Fans are excited to see whether Guybrush can finally uncover the secret to Monkey Island or not. The fans may be getting nostalgic about getting to experience Monkey Island again but they still have some reasons to be skeptical.
Ever since the game was announced and footage surfaced, fans have been relentlessly criticizing the new art style of the game. But, that is something that the fans will learn to live with once they get to enjoy their favorite saga again. When the last game ended, fans were left quite unfulfilled and bitter by the ending, but this new installment is here to make amends. With Ron Gilbert, the series’ original creator back at the helm we’re sure the fans won’t be disappointed
According to the announcement made at Nintendo Direct, the game will come out on PC and Nintendo Switch. Now, fans have been asking whether the game will come out on other major platforms like the PlayStation and Xbox. Let’s \shed some light on the subject.
Is there a Return to Monkey Island PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series Release Date
Currently, the devs have only announced a release date for the PC and Nintendo Switch versions of the game. However, in the past, we have seen Monkey Island games being released across all the different platforms including the Atari and Sega consoles. So, even though there has been no official news that the game will be available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, fans can look at the game’s previous releases and rest easy because of a game with such a huge fan following, it will most likely make its way to other platforms.
That concludes our article on whether there is a Return to Monkey Island PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series Release Date. Even though there have been no official announcements, fans have reason to be optimistic about a release across all major platforms. Visit Digistatement for more informative articles like the one you just read. Leave a comment below if you have any queries. Thank you for reading!