PUBG Mobile has always been a fan favorite for mobile players who enjoy shooting games. The game took the world over by storm when it first came out a few years ago. It was particularly famous in regions like India and Europe. The developers took the PUBG PC formula that captivated the entire world and delivered it to us in mobile form. Well, for Tencent, the devs that made the original PUBG port to mobile are very successful in providing exclusive content for the game.
The game has some issues here and there. It has also made a lot of parents around the world very paranoid. They believe that PUBG mobile is an addiction that is having a negative influence on their children. Well, addiction or not, the game is amazing and it’s here to stay. This brings us to our topic- Is PUBG Mobile available on Google Play Pass? Let’s find out.
Is PUBG Mobile available on Google Play Pass
Well, you’ve heard of an Xbox game pass and a PlayStation pass. What they do is give you access to exclusive deals and free games, and to be honest it is a smooth and quirky experience to be getting all those benefits for a small price.
Recently, mobile gamers were shown some love with the introduction of the Google Play Pass. With the Google Play Pass, you can get access to features like premium games for free, no in-game ads, exclusive apps, games, etc. Overall it is a very profitable investment to make.
Now, the real question is the availability of PUBG Mobile on Google Play Pass. The short answer is no. Since PUBG Mobile doesn’t have any ads and is also a free-to-play game, there is no point in putting it on the Google Play Pass.
And as for the future of PUBGM on google play pass, all we can say at this moment is that it can happen. Well, currently there are no ads on PUBG Mobile and it is a free game. This can very easily change in the future and when or if it does, there is a very good chance that we’ll end up seeing this game on the Google Play Pass.
This is currently all the information we have regarding PUBG Mobile’s availability on Google Play Pass. Stay tuned for more updates in the future. Visit Digistatement for more informative articles like the one you just read. Thank you for reading!