Kena Bridge of Spirits was released on September 21, 2021, and is an action-driven story that follows Kena, a young spirit who is exploring an abandoned village in search of a sacred mountain shrine. Kena struggles to uncover the secrets of this community hidden in an overgrown forest where wandering spirits are trapped. Many have wondered whether the game will be released on Game Pass so players can try the game out before committing to buying it at its full price, which is available for purchase for PC on Epic Games Store. The game is available for purchase on PlayStation Store.
The game has a few key features which include building a team to help you explore the wilderness, this team can be built by finding and collecting “Rot”, rots are timid spirits scattered throughout the forest, upon collecting Rot you’ll be able to gain abilities, make discoveries and transform your surroundings.
The second feature of the Kena Bridge of Spirits is to explore, explore the forgotten village and the strange curse which looms over the surroundings, use the power of the spirit realm to uncover the truth and restore the once majestic world.
The game also has an action genre to it, not all spirits will be kind-hearted, the corrupted spirits will attempt to challenge Kena at every step.
Coming to the main topic which Is whether Kena Bridge of Spirits is available on Xbox Game Pass? The answer is unfortunately no, Kena Bridge of Spirits is a timed exclusive for Epic Games and PlayStation and hence can only be purchased from there, the game is not available for Xbox and the Microsoft store and hence will not be available for Xbox Game Pass for a while.
However, if the “timed” exclusive part of Kena Bridge of Spirits does come to an end then we could definitely see a release of the game on other platforms and launchers such as Steam, Xbox Game Pass, and many more.