Competitive online games like Valorant and Blizzard’s newly released Overwatch 2 are no different and bound to attract toxic players. If you’ve put many hours into the game, you might have come across such players who abuse everyone. Since the launch, the game has been on a rocky start with a plethora of bugs, in-game issues, and rude players. Luckily Overwatch 2 has a very convenient feature to shut them up for good with the ability to report and block. If you have experienced such an unfortunate situation yourself and want to know how to report players, our article will help you. Continue reading the article to know about Overwatch 2 and how to report.
Many veteran players in the first Overwatch game have come across at least one such player that disrupts the environment. Toxicity has always been an issue and to combat this, Blizzard implemented a unique SMS protection feature just for this. However, the system isn’t perfect as many have found a way to get past this and cause trouble for other players. Nevertheless, you can still block and report other players that are nothing but trouble. See the next section below to know how to report players.
How do report players in Overwatch 2?
Reporting players is very easy in Overwatch 2 as long as you know your way around the options menu. However, if you don’t, then worry not as we’ll guide you step by step on how to do so. Without further ado, let’s get into how you can report toxic players.
1) Navigate to the Social tab in the main menu after you’ve come across the player that you want to report.
2) Select “Recent Players” in the top left side of the screen to see the list of players you’ve played with and want to block or report.
3) Once you’ve found the player that you want to report, right-click on his name and you’ll be presented with a lot of options. Here, select “Block” or “Report”.
4) If you select “Report”, the game will ask you to specify the reason behind doing so. Select any of the offenses that the toxic player has done and press “Continue” to report the player.
This is how you can report players in Overwatch 2. If you change your mind and want to unblock the player, you can do so in the Social menu and under Recent players. This concludes our guide and we hope that you enjoyed reading this. Stay tuned for more updates about Overwatch 2, news, guides, and more at Digistatement.