Apex Legends is indeed a great game with crystal clear graphics and visuals. The game was released back in 2019 and it has not stopped since then. Currently, Apex Legends is one of the best and most played battle royale games that we have and we just can’t stop playing it. It has brought a pure revolution in the world of battle royale and shooter games!
For those who do not know, Apex Legends is a free-to-play strategic shooter and battle royale game where you play as a variety of legendary characters with different abilities, weapons, and other stuff. In a nutshell, Apex Legends is one of the greatest ever shooter and battle royale combo you can have.
Unfortunately, a lot of players are facing some issues while playing the game. It is true that all games come with certain issues, and so does Apex Legends. Okay, the issue we are talking about is the blurry screen issue. And this is happening on PC.
A lot of players have reported that their game screen turns blurry from time to time when they are in the middle of a game! And if this happens with you as well, read the article to know what you have to do.
How to fix the Blurry screen issue on Apex Legends PC?
If this Apex Legends blurry screen issue happens with you too, it means that you may have some in-game settings turned ON which is responsible for this. Well, it is called the Adaptive Resolution FPS target. Here is what you have to do to fix the blurry screen issue in the game–
- Go to Settings in Apex Legends. You will find the icon on the bottom right side of the screen. Click on it.
- From the available options, go over to the Video section.
- Once you are in the Video section, scroll down until you get to the Advanced options.
- Here, you will find the Adaptive Resolution FPS Target option.
- Now, make sure to reduce it down to zero or to a lower value than the maximum. Well, what will this do? It will increase your rendering resolution but your in-game FPS will suffer. Here is an example to make you understand. Imagine you are playing at 4K resolution but your FPS is quite low. So, if you turn this setting ON, it will try to render the in-game graphics at a little lower resolution. This will make your game a little more blurry so that you can maintain a consistent FPS.
However, it entirely depends on you if you want to keep it to zero or increase it. Keeping it to zero will hamper your FPS drastically while playing. So, we recommend you neither increase nor decrease the value too much. Try to find the balance between visual quality and FPS to get the best results. You might not play on 4K mode, but you will have better consistency with your in-game FPS.
This was everything you needed to know about how to fix the blurry screen issue in the game Apex Legends PC. Follow Digi Statement for more guides like these.