Chests are a big part of RPG games. Hogwarts Legacy also features a variety of chests. But, a lot of players have noticed that some Legendary Chests in the game are not dropping any items. Now, this is a very big issue. It might have not been a big deal if the problem was with a normal chest. But, the Legendary ones are very valuable and contain rare items. Naturally, folks are wondering if the devs have a fix for this issue yet. So, if you too are struggling with this problem and are looking for more information, then you have come to the right place.
Before we head over to fixes and workaround, let’s talk a little bit about the issue itself. You will come across a variety of chests during your exploration of Hogwarts Legacy. Most of them carry essential items like Gold (Galleons) and potions. They will help you out in the game a lot. The Legendary Chest in Hogwarts Legacy works in a similar manner. They have all the regular loot and they also carry a legendary item. So, it’s a big deal if you open such a chest and get no items from the drop. Now, let us get back to the main topic.
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Hogwarts Legacy Legendary Chest Not dropping any Items Issue: How to fix it?
At the moment, there is no probable fix for the “Legendary Chest not dropping any items” issue in Hogwarts Legacy. Players have been trying all sorts of things to re-open a legendary chest. But so far, nothing seems to have worked out. But, a lot of players noticed one particular trend in this issue. You are most likely to encounter this issue if you try to open a Legendary Chest after having a full inventory. Most people reported that their inventory was completely full when they opened the Legendary Chest and obtained no item.
So, you should drop some items and clear out some space in your inventory if you find a Legendary Chest in Hogwarts Legacy. Fortunately, this issue is under investigation as per the official WB Forums page. Though, we don’t know when the actual hotfix update will roll out. So, you should try not to open any of these chests with a full inventory before an update hits the game. Well, if you cannot wait for an update and want to explore these chests, then make sure that you have a few empty slots in your inventory. Another method you can try is loading a previous save and then making sure that your inventory is not full before looting a legendary chest. Anyways, this brings us to the end of the article. We will update it further when more information is available. So, stay tuned to Digi Statement.