The time has come for the world to experience the magical realm of Hogwarts Legacy! Already, players are entranced by the wild beasts they can tame, the iconic spells they can cast, and – yes – even the potions they can brew! One such potion, the Thunderbrew needs the elusive Stench of the Dead, which can be difficult to obtain. But don’t worry, our guide is here to help you on your quest to get your hands on this rare ingredient.
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get & Find Stench of the Dead
To obtain Stench of the Dead, you’ll need to face off against the undead Inferi creatures found in the local graveyard in Keenbridge, located south of Hogwarts. These zombie-like creatures can be found relaxing along the river near the cemetery but be warned, they are not to be underestimated. Despite being relatively weak compared to other enemies in the game, they can still pose a challenge for beginners. Before you attempt to take these beasts down, remember that the only way to cause them harm is with a fire spell like Incendio and Confringo – the flames from these spells will set the monsters ablaze, allowing you to vanquish them in no time. With a bit of skill and caution, however, you should be able to collect as many Stench of the Dead as you need.
If you’re not keen on getting into any battles, you can always opt to buy Stench of the Dead from Old Man J. Pippin’s Potions Shop in Hogsmeade. It will only cost you 100 coins and it’s conveniently located near the market stalls, allowing you to pick up all the ingredients required for your potion-making needs. The shop is easy to locate and provides an ample selection of potions and ingredients for anyone interested in brewing their own creations. Once you get your hands on the Stench of the Dead, you can use it to brew one of the most powerful combat potions known – Thunderbrew! When consumed, this potion creates a storm of power around the drinker that stuns all enemies in their vicinity and inflicts devastating damage.
In conclusion, getting Stench of the Dead in Hogwarts Legacy can be a challenge, but with our guide, you’ll be able to get your hands on this rare ingredient and brew up some powerful potions in no time. Follow Digistatement for all your gaming-related queries.