If you are looking for information on how to get the Maxima Potion in Hogwarts Legacy, you have come to the right place. It is a unique potion that you may be looking to obtain in the game. Likewise, it is one of the many potions that you can either purchase or craft. Since Hogwarts Legacy is a new game release and has tons of potions as well as other content, it can be overwhelming for some players. Thus, knowing how to exactly craft or purchase a specific potion can be very helpful. This article is therefore regarding how to Craft & Get Maxima Potion in Hogwarts Legacy.
What is a Maxima Potion?
The Maxima Potion is a very useful combat potion in the game. Likewise, it is a potion that increases the drinker’s spell damage for a limited amount of time. This is always better to have it in stock when you face off against tons of dangerous enemies. In order to craft or get the Maxima Potion in the game, continue reading till the end.
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get & Craft Maxima Potion –
Here are the required steps –
1) The first step is to get a crafting station for brewing this potion. Likewise, you can unlock Room of Requirement by first attending the Potion class in Hogwarts.
2) You have to then obtain the following ingredients:
- Leech Juice: You can purchase leech juice from J. Pippin’s Potions shop, which is located in Hogsmeade.
- Spider Fang: The location to find this ingredient is in the Northeast of the Forbidden Forest Floo Station. You have to defeat giant dangerous spiders to obtain spider fangs.
Once you obtain all the ingredients, head to the crafting station, assemble the ingredients, and craft the potion.
3) However, an alternative way is that you can also buy the Maxima Potion from the J. Pippin’s Potions shop located in Hogsmeade. This potion is available for purchase for 300 Coins.
This was an article regarding how to craft as well as get the Maxima Potion in Hogwarts Legacy. In addition to this article, you can also check out other articles on the game by following Digistatement.