Early access of Hogwarts Legacy has already been released and many players who pre-ordered the Deluxe edition from around the world have started playing it on their PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. Well, due to the various in-game options, many players wonder what can be the best Settings for this game on these consoles. This game is designed to take advantage of the powerful hardware of these consoles. In this guide, we’ll go over the best settings in Hogwarts Legacy that will ensure optimal performance and visual quality on both consoles.
Hogwarts Legacy Best Settings
Display Settings
1) Performance Mode: Overall, there are 5 performance modes that you can set in the PS5 version of the game. They are Fidelity, Fidelity with Ray Tracing, Performance, Balanced, and High Frame Rate Performance. Out of these Modes, Fidelity(Ray Tracing) offers the highest possible graphics quality at 30 FPS whereas High Frame Rate Performance focuses on delivering 60 FPS, by sacrificing visuals. On the Xbox series, you get only 3 modes- Fidelity, Fidelity (Ray Tracing), and Performance.
2) Motion Blur: Prefer setting it to off. Motion blur can add a sense of realism to the game, but it can also make fast-paced action scenes difficult to follow.
3) Depth of Field: Depth of Field is another mechanism used in this game to make it look more real. Depth of Field blurs foreground and background, creating a sense of distance and focus. You can keep it off to get some performance boost.
4) Chromatic Aberration: Chromatic Aberration is all about colors and visual effects in the game. You must keep it on to have the best experience of the game and it also does not affect the FPS.
5) Film Grain: It is up to you whether you want to turn Film Grain on or off. Turning it on will give you a vintage visual of the game whereas turning it off will make the game look more colorful.
Apart from these Display Settings, there are also several Gameplay Settings that you might want to tweak for the best gameplay.
Gameplay Settings
- Controller Vibration: Off
- Invert Camera X-Axis: Off
- Invert Camera Y-Axis: Off
- Invert Flight Controls: Off
- Camera-Relative Targeting: On
- Camera Sensitivity: 1.53
- Aiming Sensitivity: 1
- Camera Acceleration: 1.3
- Aiming Acceleration: 1
- Follow Camera Speed: 1.23
This brings us to the end of this guide. It was everything about the Best Settings for High FPS in Hogwarts Legacy on PlayStation and Xbox consoles. If you found this guide helpful, share it with your friends.
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